理財建議 / Financial Advice

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Fellow students, professors, and dear listeners, hello everyone! Welcome to the final episode of this small podcast. 

This year, I am very happy to have had the opportunity to meet many classmates, chat, and record podcasts. 

This last episode is a little different from the others. This time, it’s just me talking to you, so please allow me to introduce myself once more.

I am Wen Yulan, and I am currently a freelancer working as a web developer and consultant. 

After obtaining my bachelor’s degree, I first worked at two companies before becoming a freelancer, and later I returned to university to study Chinese.

Recently, discussions with my classmates reminded me that many young university students have no financial experience. 

Therefore, as an older student with some experience in these areas, I want to share my experiences and advice, hoping it will be helpful to you. 

Since these are just my opinions, you must do thorough research before making any investments.

In the course, we learned about some common financial management methods, such as depositing money in the bank, investing in stocks, buying a house, and so on. 

However, not every method is suitable for students. For example, is it reasonable for a typical university student to buy a house? 

For students, the simplest and most reasonable way to start managing finances is to open a savings account at a bank. But not all accounts are the same.

If the bank’s interest rate is too low, it may still result in a loss due to inflation. 

I knew this early on, but it was only last year that I finally opened a high-interest account. I really regret not opening it sooner.

My good accountant friend told me, “Living frugally is good, but you also need to invest wisely.” 

Besides opening a high-interest account, he also suggested buying certificates of deposit, as the interest rates might be higher. 

Regarding the stock market, he said that compared to trading stocks, investing in mutual funds carries lower risk.

Finally, I want to mention debt and credit cards. Many people are afraid of credit card debt, and I am too. 

But having and using credit cards can help you build a good credit score. This is important when you want to buy a house or a car in the future. 

Additionally, using credit cards can protect your bank information, and some cards even offer rewards. 

So, I suggest you use your credit card like a debit card, never spending money you don’t have, and always paying off the balance in full every month. Do this and everything will be good.

In the interest of time, my podcast ends here. Thank you all for listening and supporting me. I wish you success in your studies, good luck with your financial management, and good health! Thank you.

Maggie Wettergreen

Maggie Wettergreen is a student in the second year of the Chinese program at WWU. This podcast was written as part of a class assignment.

學習語言的路 | The Language Learning Road


去台灣當外師之前,我從來沒有做過正式教書的工作,算是有類似的經驗,但話説完全沒有教室的經驗。所以,在我公立國小教書 一開始的阶段, 我真的很緊張,你們有聽過 “imposter sydrome” 嗎?這麽新的環境,校長和主任那麽大的期待,我當然會感受到這種 (imposter 假裝)感覺。如果你沒聼説過這個詞的話,這個詞的意思就像是你對自己說: “我有什麽資格來這所學校教學?”


這兩年年的經驗變成了我人生中最快成長的時段。我不但爲自己驕傲,而且知道以後可以把這個經驗當成自己的動力繼續去學習成長。無論如何,在這條學習的路上, 我都會犯錯誤, 這是不可避免的事。不過,因爲這兩年在台灣教書的經驗,我現在不會那麽怕犯錯誤。反而,我更愿意去試試看沒做過的事情。


在學習語言的方面,我飛到桃園飛機場就馬上開始發現中國大陸跟台灣説法差別是什麽。在找taxi時候 一直找不到正確的牌子, 然後就馬上發現了 台灣有另外一個 taxi 的説法 “計程車”。在我看来,模仿當地人口音和説法 是最尊重他們的。而且,也最能夠讓你快速適應適你住的地方。 一段時間過了后,有一次我在計程車裏面 司機看後面 被嚇到了因爲他以爲我是台灣人, 雖然我只是住6個月左右,他還以爲我的口音跟台灣人一模一樣。

後來,我已經在台灣9個月多了,在買早餐時候突然發現了台灣的 potato (土豆)確實是馬鈴薯,笑死了,還是要記得呢,不要以爲你什麽已經都知道的。還是會有空間學習新的。Fun Fact:在世界上不同的地方同一個語言都會有差別,甚至英語也有… 我現在在新西蘭正在越來越來了解這點。什麽是 rubbish(废话)? 不是 trash 或 garbage 呢?跟台灣對“ 垃圾”這個詞的説法 一模一樣! (知道嗎?在台灣 “垃圾“ 的發音是 lèsè)



其實,我這兩年自己也沒有很認真一直去讀書。反而,我有把重心放在改善我的講話能力的上面。因爲我每天强迫自己在外面講話,所以一段時間過了以後,我的自信和溝通能力越來越進步了。 進步到我家人來台灣找我,我當他們的翻譯的時候的,我常常搞混了“什麽什麽的”英文怎麽説。甚至,當下我自己忘了到底在講什麽語言。超好笑的…


綜上所述, 這是一個簡單的事實,即你做的越多,事情就越容易。因此,請相信,經驗會讓你在生活、職業、和語言方面學到很多。最後,要記得你生活中遇到的人 比如朋友,同事等等,是因爲他們,你才有學習的機會。


Lessons from Teaching

Before I went to Taiwan to teach, I had actually never done any formal teaching work! I had similar experiences, but I had no classroom experience at all. I was really nervous at first to teach in a public elementary school. Have you ever heard of “imposter syndrome”? In such a new environment, with grand expectations from the principal and the director, of course I felt like an imposter. If you have never heard of imposter syndrome, it makes you think like this: “What qualifications do I really have to teach at this school?”

However, the good news is that because I knew that I couldn’t teach perfectly at the beginning, I realized the most important thing was to just try. By watching other teachers’ methods and through my own ideas, I gradually cultivated my own teaching ability. In fact, I even became a popular foreign teacher within the Education Bureau. These two years turned out to be the biggest period of growth in my life. I am not only extremely proud of myself, but I also know that I can use this experience as motivation to continue to learn and grow in the future. No matter what, I know it is inevitable to make mistakes along this journey. However, because of my teaching experience in Taiwan, I am no longer as afraid of making mistakes as I was before. Instead, I am even more willing to try things I haven’t done before.

How to Adapt?

When I flew to Taoyuan Airport, I immediately discovered that when it comes to learning a language, there are many regional differences. For example, when I was looking for a taxi, I couldn’t find the correct sign, and quickly realized that there is another word for taxi in Taiwan. In my opinion, it is most respectful to emulate the local accent and expressions where you live. It also helps you adapt as quickly as possible. Once when I was in a taxi, the driver looked back and was surprised to see a foreigner. Though I had only lived there for about 6 months, due to my accent, he mistakenly thought I was a local.

Even after being in Taiwan for more than 9 months, I continued to learn dialectical differences. When I was buying breakfast, I suddenly discovered that the Taiwanese word for potatoes is also different. I nearly laughed myself to death, but you have to remember: you don’t know everything! There will always be room to learn new things. Fun fact: even among speakers of the same language, there are regional dialectical differences. I’m learning more and more about this now living in New Zealand. There are so many English words and phrases that seem odd to me. I once asked myself “What is ‘rubbish’? Can I not say ‘trash” or ‘garbage’?” I found that the word “rubbish” is similar to Taiwan’s way of saying “garbage”! (Did you know? The pronunciation of “garbage” in Taiwan is lèsè, and not lājī, though the characters are the same.)

Remember to Speak!

When I lived in Taiwan for two years, not only did I make progress with the language, but I also learned a lot of life lessons. You might be wondering what my biggest lesson was? It’s that you need to be willing to experience things. Put simply, I think you should learn not to be discouraged when you don’t know something. Of course, you still have to remember the vocabulary you have learned, or maybe even preview vocab first! The important point is that it is easy to forget how to use new knowledge without connecting it in real, everyday life application. Do the brave thing and try to connect with real people to try to use these new words. In my experience, Taiwanese people are especially patient and willing to listen.

Actually, I have not been seriously studying these past two years. Instead, I have focused on improving my speaking ability. Because I forced myself to go outside and speak with real people every day, the result was that my self confidence and communication skills improved greatly over time. After speaking mainly Chinese for so long and having improved so much, my family came to visit me in Taiwan and I “played translator” for them. Suddenly I was challenged when I needed to quickly translate at a high level from Chinese to English. I even, at some moments, forgot what language I was speaking. This certainly caused many amusing moments!

Believe in Your Ability

Finally, it’s a simple fact that the more you do something the easier it gets. So trust that the experience will teach you a lesson, whether that be in life, career, or language. Remember that it’s the people you meet along the way that make up that experience. It’s only because of them that you have this opportunity to learn.

Emma Madsen

Emma is a 2020 graduate of Western Washington University’s Chinese Program, former International and Study Abroad program participant, and former Chinese Conversation Club leader. Since her graduation, she has taught English in Taiwan for about two years, explored the country and the culture in her free time, and made many friends. Her time teaching English very recently concluded and she is now travelling the world, visiting places like New Zealand, Nepal, and Malaysia.