学年 中文学部 大记事 | Chinese Program Year In Review

Watching classmates’ performances for Chinese New Year


Guest Speakers
In fall quarter, the Chinese program invited two internationally recognized scholars to deliver two excellent speeches on Zoom to Western students and community members interested in Chinese language and culture. Professor Xuetao Li shared with us many pertinent ideas on how to conduct academic research in Sinology. Many students felt his ideas were very helpful for further MA or PHD program education planning. Additionally, Professor Yang Zhao delivered a speech mainly about the standards for how to become a professional instructor who teaches Chinese as a foreign language. He also shared important advice and tips with us about securing teaching positions in the job market. Thanks to student participation, useful tips and ideas from the guests, the talks were very successful!

Professor Liu’s calligraphy workshop

在整个学年里,中文项目组织了各种中文桌子的主题活动。那些刚接触到中国语言和传统的人都觉得这些活动非常有趣! 例如,在冬季学期,初学阶段的学生能够体验如何使用毛笔和宣纸来书写汉字,传统的书法方式让大家感受到了中国文化的优雅气息。

Chinese Table
Throughout the academic year, the Chinese program organized various Chinese Table activities. Those who are new to Chinese language and traditions found these events extremely interesting! For instance, in winter quarter, students at the beginning level were able to experience how to write Chinese characters by using ink brush and Xuan paper, and the traditional calligraphy demonstration enchanted everyone with the elegance of this Chinese cultural tradition. In fact, many students mentioned looking forward to a Chinese Calligraphy course next academic year.


Chinese Mini-Library
Since January of 2023, the Chinese program has been working on the establishment of a mini-library. Chinese language books will be available to Chinese majors, minors and any other language learners. Instructors of all levels in the Chinese program will also assign students some reading homework with book reports or reviews so that these books will be better utilized.

Students learning to play Mahjong at CCC


Chinese Conversation Club (CCC) Events
Each quarter, CCC events and workshops are held regularly by students with the support and assistance of Chinese faculty members. This club offers a chance for students to review what they learn and a place to participate in more cultural activities. All events thus far have had enormous positive benefits for students’ studies.


Chinese Food Culture Week
In fall quarter, the Chinese students learned a lot about food culture during Food Culture Week that they would not have learned in class. Before a food tasting event, the teachers assigned homework to encourage the students to research more about the history, characteristics, and schools of Chinese cuisine in advance. Then, during the event the students applied what they learned in practice by asking relevant, impromptu questions, many of which were related to the occupation of early Chinese immigrants and the current climate of the American food service industry. The culture and language behind the Chinese food also gave students a deeper understanding of the history of China and encouraged them to further immerse themselves in their Chinese studies in and outside of the classrooms.

Students follow along with Professor Chen’s instruction

在冬季学期,中文学部和汉语对话俱乐部组织了一次中国美术工作坊研讨会。我们邀请了山东艺术设计学院的陈淑光教授,他在讲座中向中文主修专业和辅修专业的学生、教师和其他参与者介绍了中国水彩画的历史。然后他在线上教授所有参与者来现场画水彩画。这次活动也获得了非常成功的效果! 所有参与其中的人都对中国艺术变得越来越感兴趣。

Guest Artist Events
In winter quarter, the Chinese program and Chinese Conversation Club organized an art workshop. We invited Professor Shuguang Chen of Shandong University of Arts and Design, who delivered a presentation introducing the history of Chinese watercolor painting to both Chinese majors and minors, as well as faculty members and visitors. He then taught all participants via Zoom call how to do watercolor painting. The workshop participants were very successful in their learning, and many students became even more interested in traditional Chinese arts.

Professor Su tells students the legend of Nian

中国新年,也被称为春节,是中国文化中最重要的节日,全世界有数百万人在庆祝。在2023年的冬季,中文学部举行了一年一度的新年庆祝活动,以庆祝传统和所有中文主修和辅修专业同学们的进步,许多对中文感兴趣的学习者也加入到活动中来。这是自疫情以来第一次面对面的线下聚会,全体教师和学生志愿者共同成功地组织了这次活动。我们邀请了外国语学院的系主任Shannon Dubenion-Smith教授致开幕词,中文学部的主任吴思远教授向大家宣布了未来中文系的发展计划。大家对即将出版的中文杂志《镜》、春季郊游、中文会话俱乐部的活动、中文小图书馆的建立,暑期留学项目等都感到十分期待。各年级学生表演了很多精彩的节目,包括中文歌曲、小品、舞蹈、诗朗诵、绕口令、脱口秀等等。 此次活动不仅使中文项目和中国文化在校园内得到了更广泛的传播,而且大大增强了师生对教学工作以及学生们学习的信心。这个活动提供了一个文化交流和理解的机会,并促进了文化多样性。它还促使参与者相互学习,分享他们自己的学习经验和文化传统,并建立起一种跨文化的纽带。

First year students Nevaeh Qiu and Wuyi Walters

Chinese New Year Celebration
The Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival or Lunar New Year, is the most important holiday in Chinese culture and is celebrated by millions of people worldwide. In winter quarter of 2023, the Chinese program held its annual New Year Celebration to celebrate the tradition and the progress of all Chinese majors and minors. Many students who are interested in Chinese also joined the event. This was the first face-to-face gathering since Covid started three years ago. The entire faculty membership worked with student volunteers to successfully organize the event this year. We invited the department chair of MCL, Professor Shannon Dubenion-Smith to deliver the opening remarks, and Chinese faculty head Professor Julian Wu announced program development plans to everyone. Everyone was excited about the upcoming Chinese magazine, spring field trips, activities of Chinese Conversation Club, the establishment of a Chinese mini-library, faculty-led summer study abroad program, etc. Students of all levels performed a variety of great shows, including Chinese songs, skits, dancing, poem recitation, tongue twisters, a talk show, and many others. This event not only provided a good exposure for the Chinese language program and Chinese culture on campus, but also greatly enhanced the confidence of teachers and students in the importance of their achievements. This event provided an opportunity for cultural exchange and understanding, as well as the promotion of cultural diversity. It also allowed participants to learn from each other, share their own study experience and cultural traditions, and build cross-cultural connections.

Claudia Liu 刘海燕

Claudia Liu, Language Instructor of Chinese, holds two M.A. degrees in the fields of linguistics (University of Washington U.S., and Newcastle University, U.K). Her research interests include: teaching Chinese as a foreign language, second language acquisition, and multilingualism. As a talented professional with more than 20 years of teaching experience, her passion for teaching and love of language make her classes a joy to attend.

学画中国画 – Chinese Painting Workshop

4 panel painting of bamboo, flowers, and hummingbirds

Come learn to paint!

The CCC will be hosting a FREE Chinese Painting workshop on Monday, February 13th! Painter Chen Shuguang, Associate Professor of Fine Arts at Shandong University of Art & Design, will be joining us virtually to give live instruction in ink brush painting. Basic art supplies will be provided, but we encourage you to bring your own if you have them.

译者:Laura Wagner 和 刘老师


2月13号, CCC主办免费的水墨画讲习班!画家陈淑光,山东工艺美术学院副教授,会直播教学中国水墨画。我们提供基本画材和画具。如果您有自己的画材和画具,也欢迎您自带。


DateMonday, February 13th
Time4:30 pm
LocationMiller Hall 239
Chinese Conversation Club
Chinese Conversation Club

WWU’s Chinese Conversation Club is a place to get together with other language learners to improve their Mandarin speaking skills.

Chinese Conversation Club Winter Meetings

Chinese Conversation Club Logo

Welcome back for Winter Quarter classmates! This quarter the Chinese conversation club will be meeting regularly on Mondays from 4:30 – 5:30pm, typically in Miller hall 131 if it is available. Anyone interested in practicing their Mandarin Chinese is welcome to attend, whether you are a first-year student, a grad student or just someone doing some independent study. Activities during regular meetings will vary. We play games, watch videos, or occasionally have guest lessons from native speakers.

Monday January 23rd we will be learning some techniques of Chinese calligraphy from professor Claudia Liu. Art supplies will be available, but if you have your own materials we recommend you bring some.

In order to stay up to date with the latest club news and announcements about exact meeting locations, we recommend that you join the club discord and say hello: https://discord.gg/cPeMHcAHEK

Chinese Conversation Club
Chinese Conversation Club

WWU’s Chinese Conversation Club is a place to get together with other language learners to improve their Mandarin speaking skills.

2023年春节 – Spring Festival!

The Spring Festival, or 春节 (chūnjié), also know as the Lunar New Year, or Chinese New Year, is one of the most important holidays in China. It is traditionally a time when the entire family gathers together to eat, celebrate and welcome the new year. The Festival also marks the change in the zodiac calendar. In 2023 Spring Festival officially falls on the 22nd of January, and begins the Year of the Rabbit.

This year the Chinese Department is hosting a Spring Festival celebration in Miller Hall 121, on Friday January 20th from 4:30 – 6:00pm. There will be lots of delicious food, and performances by students of the department showcasing some of their talents. While there is no dress code and formal attire is not required, you’re encouraged to wear anything red or gold, or traditional attire from your culture. Admittance is free, so come celebrate and get to know your classmates and professors a little better in a fun and relaxing atmosphere.