我的童年 / My Childhood








My childhood is like the famous Chinese writer Lu Xun wrote in Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk, “Childhood is a river, rippling with beautiful memories; childhood is a painting, depicting colorful life; childhood is a song, joyously singing of unforgettable happiness. Oh, sweet childhood!”

Outside the window, the rain fell gently, while inside, a frustrated me practiced Beethoven’s piano “Ode to Joy”, which was completely out of tune with my mood. The next second, suddenly, it began pouring rain, and I finally couldn’t help crying because of the sadness that had been accumulating for a long time. Because this English test made me very unhappy, and I always like to be competitive in my studies. From then on, I always previewed carefully, listened to each lesson with rapt attention, and persisted in doing my homework every day. After the final exam of the third year, I realized the truth of “no pain, no gain”. I was not only top of my  English class, but also ranked first in my year in Chinese, mathematics and English. When I walked calmly up to the podium to receive the awards, listening to the warm applause from the students, and receiving the satisfying certificates from the teacher one after another, my heart was as happy as drinking honey. From this moment on, I became more passionate about learning. Day after day, year after year, I felt that learning would bring me a kind of happiness. This was not only because I enjoyed receiving awards and applause from others, but also because,  with each class, I learned new knowledge and gained new understanding of the world. During these days of continuous learning, I was also constantly creating good childhood memories.

In order to acquire more knowledge, I fell in love with reading. I remember, after reading If You Give Me Three Days of Light by Helen Keller, I learned to cherish my healthy body, fight against constant difficulties in life, and thank my parents for their influence on my life. And also how to grow in adversity and so on. When I read about Daiyu burying flowers in Cao Xueqin’s Dream of the Red Chamber, I was deeply moved by her touching poems about burying flowers. Daiyu watched the process of flowers blooming and falling in the Grand View Garden, and then thought of her own life experience and wrote a poem called “The Song of Burying Flowers”. Two of my favorite lines are: “Flowers wither, flowers fly, and the sky is full of flowers, who will have pity when the red disappears?” and “Three hundred and sixty days a year, wind, knife, frost, and sword are fierce.” I was impressed by Daiyu’s brilliance, and it

also made me feel sadness and pity for the tragic fate of the women in this literary work. The second sentence made me feel the sadness of her life under the Jia’s family’s roof. Like a flower, these hard times are slowly destroying her day by day. Her “Burrying Flowers” made me feel that she has the noble sentiment of Liu Yuxi who “can tune the plain qin and read the golden scriptures”. I think this poem made me understand Daiyu more comprehensively. Although the book “To Live” is a bit heavy, it made me understand that everyone lives in their own way and has their own meaning of life, and helped me find new meaning in my own existence. It was through these readings that I came to appreciate how colorful my childhood life was.

In the end, my childhood memories are filled with songs and singing. Because I like to listen to all kinds of songs and learn how to sing, I feel they brought a different kind of enjoyment to my childhood life. For example: The first song I learned called “Where is Spring”, which I learned in music class, helped me feel the beauty of spring, and taught me to be adept at observing life and discovering it’s beauty. The song “Let’s Swing Our Oars” not only made me feel the beautiful scenery of the North Sea described in the lyrics, but also made me feel the joy of the children rowing and their gratitude toward the country. Also, in the process of learning to sing “Jasmine”, I not only learned to love the beauty of nature, but also learned how to love life. All these songs make me realize all the happiness in my life.

How wonderful my childhood was! These fragments of childhood memories composed of learning, reading and singing make me nostalgic every time I think of them. Childhood is like a rainbow, filling me with colorful memories; childhood is like the sun, filling my life with warmth; childhood is like stars in the sky, filling my life with its shining light.

Rose Snyder

Rose is a senior at WWU Graduating from the Chinese Language Program in 2023.

妈妈和女儿一起去购物 / Mother and Daughter Go Shopping Together









凯琳:都难,但是我觉得非常好玩。因为我学中文学了五年了, 这个中文课不太难。每天我学新的语法,还有上课的时候老师说很多中文。日文课比中文课难,因为我刚开始学,所以当然难, 但还是很好玩!




妈妈:这购物中心有很多名牌的店,像 Lululemon,Hollister,Altar’d State,什么的。我觉得我们应该先去 Lululemon。

凯琳:好!我喜欢 Lululemon。







凯琳:真的吗? 谢谢,你好厉害!


凯琳:我想去 Converse 店!



妈妈:哎,你好麻烦。Converse 店在这边,来吧。


妈妈:你为什么喜欢 Converse?

凯琳:因为 Converse 鞋子的质量很好,而且又时髦又好看。哎!这双鞋子的颜色好看。



妈妈:好。你想不想去Alter’d State?我知道你喜欢那个地方。
















Katelyn’s mother just picked her up, they’re driving to the mall.

Mom: Katelyn, how has college been going? Everything good?

Katelyn: My two language classes are going super well! But my Greek Mythology class, not so much.

Mom: Really?How come?

Katelyn: Because during class, even though I understand what the professor is saying, once class ends, I’ve already forgotten everything. So I don’t do too well on tests.

Mom: Oh, well good luck! I have faith in you. I know you’re very smart, don’t be nervous, ok?

Katelyn: Ok, thank you mom!

Mom: You said your two language classes were going well, are they hard?

Katelyn: Yeah they are hard, but I find them really fun! Because I’ve been studying Chinese for 5 years, this Chinese class is not too difficult. Every day I’m learning new grammar and during class the professor speaks a lot of Chinese! The Japanese class is harder than the Chinese class, since I just started learning Japanese, of course the class is difficult, but still fun!

Mom: That’s good! 

Arriving at the mall.

Katelyn: This mall is huge! Where do you want to go first?

Mom: This mall has a lot of famous brand stores like Lululemon, Hollister, and Altar’d State, etc. I think we should start at Lululemon.

Katelyn: Okay! I like Lululemon. 

Looking at clothes in the shopping center.

Mom: Katelyn, look, this hat looks great! What do you think?

Katelyn: Oh, very fashionable! How much is it?

Mom: It’s 20% off right now, only 30 bucks. I’d say that’s a pretty good price!

Katelyn: This price is pretty good! I also like this set of sportswear, the look, size, and quality are all very suitable.

Mom: I agree, plus it’s 100% pure cotton. I’ll buy it for you, it doesn’t matter how expensive.

Katelyn: Really? Thank you! You’re awesome!

Mom: No need to thank me, I’m your mom, I can buy things for you. Which shops do you still want to go to?

Katelyn: I want to go to the Converse store!

Mom: But you already have so many shoes, why do you need more?

Katelyn: Because I want various different colors of shoes, then my shoes and shirts can match.

Mom: You’re such a hassle. The Converse store is this way, come on.

Katelyn: Woah! There are so many shoes! This is the biggest Converse store! And everything is 40% off!

Mom: Why do you like Converse?

Katelyn: Because the Converse shoes are good quality, move over, they’re stylish and good looking. Hey! This pair of shoes are a good color!

Mom: I’ll let you choose two pairs of shoes, okay?

Katelyn: Okay! Then I want to buy the blue ones and the green ones.

Mom: Okay, do you want to go to Altar’d State? I know you like that place.

Katelyn: We can go, I do like it, but finding clothes of a suitable size is a little hard.

Mom: It’s okay, I’ll help you.

Katelyn: This skirt looks nice! But it’s a little short.

Mom: I think that skirt is too short. It’s been very cold lately, you should buy long skirts. Or else you’ll easily catch a cold.

Katelyn:You’re right. Then I won’t buy a skirt, I’ll just buy warm clothes.

Shop Clerk: Excuse me, what are your criteria for buying clothes?

Katelyn: My criteria for buying clothes are, firstly, how they look, secondly, whether they are fashionable or not, thirdly, the quality, and fourthly, how comfortable they are. Whether it’s a famous brand or not, and whether it’s expensive or not, I don’t care.

Shop Clerk: Okay, then what do you think of this jacket?

Katelyn: This jacket looks good, the color is pretty good too, and it’s good quality. I’ll get it!

Shop Clerk: Awesome! Please come to the cash register.

Mom: Do you want me to get it for you?

Katelyn: No need, I can buy it myself.

Store Clerk: The jacket is 10% off, all together it’s $99.99. Are you paying with cash or card?

Katelyn: I’ll use card, thank you!

Katelyn Widell

Katelyn Widell is a freshman at WWU and has been learning Chinese for 5 years. She is also starting to learn Japanese.