2024年春天杂志来了!| The Spring 2024 Issue Is Here!

Spring Issue 2024 cover
Spring Issue 2024 cover







The second annual Spring Issue of Mirror is now available online! This edition highlights the art of calligraphy, with two special features from authors outside of Western. You can read this issue at the link below:

Mirror Magazine Spring 2024 Issue PDF

Thank you to all of our readers and contributors. We are also immensely grateful for our sponsor, the Confucius Institute of Washington, and support from faculty and students in Western’s Chinese program and MCL department.

Wishing everyone a wonderful summer,

Mirror’s Editorial Team

Editorial Team

2023-2024 Student Editors: Maven Neumiller & Maggie Wettergreen
Faculty Editor in Chief: Claudia Liu

Spring Cover Contest! / 春期封面比赛!

Mirror Magazine is looking for your photos, calligraphy, or artwork to feature in our Spring 2024 issue of the magazine! The theme should be related to school life, Chinese culture, or spring time (preferably all three). The winning photo or artwork will appear on the cover of the Spring issue with credit to the artist. Unfortunately we can not offer monetary prizes, but the winner will receive 5 copies of the print magazine to share with family and friends.

Submissions are due by May 13th


  • All entries must be original work or photographs by the entrants.
  • Content must be appropriate for an academic setting.
  • No third party may own or control any materials the photo contains, and the photo must not infringe upon the trademark, copyright, moral rights, intellectual rights, or rights of privacy of any entity or person.
  • By entering the contest, entrants agree that works submitted can be used by Mirror Magazine for print and online content, as well as promotional purposes.
  • Entries will be judged by Mirror’s editors and WWU MCL faculty. All decisions are final. The magazine reserves the right to disqualify any entry that is deemed inappropriate or does not conform to stated contest rules.

Email inquiries and submissions to: jingeditors@gmail.com

网上春节特刊来了!| The Online Spring Festival Special Issue is Here!

Mirror Winter 2024 Spring Festival Edition


在网上看:2024年春节特刊镜杂志 PDF





The first New Year Special Edition of our magazine is finally available on the website! In order to bring you this special issue, our editors spent a lot of time working with international contributors, selecting and compiling the most interesting topics. Thank you to all our readers and contributors, and happy Year of the Dragon!

Read Online: Mirror Magazine Spring Festival 2024 Special Edition PDF

We are immensely grateful for our sponsor the Confucius Institute of Washington, China’s Ocean University, all the contributors to this edition, and support from faculty and students in Western’s Chinese program and MCL department. Enjoy the e-version of Mirror Magazine!

The Mirror Editing Team

Editorial Team

2023-2024 Student Editors: Maven Neumiller & Maggie Wettergreen
Faculty Editor in Chief: Claudia Liu

Spring 2023 Print Edition is Here! | 2023年春天杂志来了!

Mirror Magazine Print edition with spring flowers
2023年春季版镜杂志 PDF / Mirror Magazine Spring 2023 Edition PDF

Dear Reader,

The inaugural Spring 2023 print edition of 《镜》杂志, or Mirror Magazine is available at the below link in online PDF format:

After many months of hard work from the editing team, Mirror Magazine, Western Washington University’s first ever Chinese-English bilingual publication, was finally officially released May 17, 2023 in print.

Thanks to our 2023 sponsor Confucius Institute of Washington (CIWA), we were able to print about 100 copies of the Spring Edition magazine. Even though this is a groundbreaking first print, the limited number means that due to the low supply and high demand, the print copies that we can share outside of the Chinese program, some college and department figureheads, and some contributors, are very sparse. However, we remain optimistic that in the Fall, with a renewed budget, we can print more copies. To help increase the accessibility of this innovative magazine and to mitigate the issue of few print editions versus community demand, uploaded here is an electronic version of Mirror Magazine for your viewing pleasure. Additionally, web optimized digital versions of selected Spring Edition articles will be released in the coming weeks. 

We are immensely grateful for our sponsor, all the contributors to this first edition, and support from faculty and students in our Chinese program and MCL department. Enjoy the e-version of Mirror Magazine!

The Mirror Editing Team








Editorial Team

2022-2023 Editors: Laura Wagner & Maggie Wettergreen

Spring 2023 Logo Voting

Spring is here, and we will be printing our first edition of 镜 Magazine this quarter! Each spring the print edition will debut the updated branding for the magazine for the following year, allowing the current editorial team to showcase their unique styles. Choosing the final logo will be put to an open vote by the entire department.

Please vote on the poll below for your first and then second choice of logo:
镜 Magazine 2023 Logo Voting Google Form

This quarter we will be working hard on the print design. We are currently looking for a print designer to help with magazine layout, and we will be seeking photography submissions for potential cover art, so stay tuned and reach out if you are interested!

Call for Submissions

person decorating a fan with traditional calligraphy

新年快乐大家! Happy New Year everyone!
Winter quarter of 2023 has begun, and we are launching our very first student-run magazine for the Modern and Classical Languages Department. This little baby bird needs all the help it can get to grow strong and fly from the nest, and we’re asking for your help!

Why Contribute?

  • Looks great on your resume
  • Get experience with publication processes
  • Some professors may offer extra credit
  • Show off your work
  • Improve your language skills
  • Meet other students from the department

If you are interested in contributing to the magazine in any way, please reach out to our editors. We would love to hear your ideas and be happy to work with you to design a contribution that suits your talents and interests. If you don’t already have something you would like to share, fear not! We have many article and content concepts that just need the right author, researcher or reporter to step up and take them.

We will be working hard to grow 镜 into a well-respected publication at Western. Our goal is that being published here will be a highlight of student resumes, and serve as examples of your work that can demonstrate skills to future employers or colleges.

How to Get Involved?

The best way is to join our discord: https://discord.gg/rYHcX24e
There we will be discussing and assigning article concepts, as well as helping each other with translations, editing, and questions. Join and reach out in a text channel related to your interest.

Alternatively, if you aren’t a fan of Discord, you can reach out to our editors via the form on the contribute page.

Looking forward to reading, hearing, or seeing your submissions!