2024年春天杂志来了!| The Spring 2024 Issue Is Here!

Spring Issue 2024 cover
Spring Issue 2024 cover







The second annual Spring Issue of Mirror is now available online! This edition highlights the art of calligraphy, with two special features from authors outside of Western. You can read this issue at the link below:

Mirror Magazine Spring 2024 Issue PDF

Thank you to all of our readers and contributors. We are also immensely grateful for our sponsor, the Confucius Institute of Washington, and support from faculty and students in Western’s Chinese program and MCL department.

Wishing everyone a wonderful summer,

Mirror’s Editorial Team

Editorial Team

2023-2024 Student Editors: Maven Neumiller & Maggie Wettergreen
Faculty Editor in Chief: Claudia Liu

理財建議 / Financial Advice

Podcast Audio:

Audio Transcription:

Fellow students, professors, and dear listeners, hello everyone! Welcome to the final episode of this small podcast. 

This year, I am very happy to have had the opportunity to meet many classmates, chat, and record podcasts. 

This last episode is a little different from the others. This time, it’s just me talking to you, so please allow me to introduce myself once more.

I am Wen Yulan, and I am currently a freelancer working as a web developer and consultant. 

After obtaining my bachelor’s degree, I first worked at two companies before becoming a freelancer, and later I returned to university to study Chinese.

Recently, discussions with my classmates reminded me that many young university students have no financial experience. 

Therefore, as an older student with some experience in these areas, I want to share my experiences and advice, hoping it will be helpful to you. 

Since these are just my opinions, you must do thorough research before making any investments.

In the course, we learned about some common financial management methods, such as depositing money in the bank, investing in stocks, buying a house, and so on. 

However, not every method is suitable for students. For example, is it reasonable for a typical university student to buy a house? 

For students, the simplest and most reasonable way to start managing finances is to open a savings account at a bank. But not all accounts are the same.

If the bank’s interest rate is too low, it may still result in a loss due to inflation. 

I knew this early on, but it was only last year that I finally opened a high-interest account. I really regret not opening it sooner.

My good accountant friend told me, “Living frugally is good, but you also need to invest wisely.” 

Besides opening a high-interest account, he also suggested buying certificates of deposit, as the interest rates might be higher. 

Regarding the stock market, he said that compared to trading stocks, investing in mutual funds carries lower risk.

Finally, I want to mention debt and credit cards. Many people are afraid of credit card debt, and I am too. 

But having and using credit cards can help you build a good credit score. This is important when you want to buy a house or a car in the future. 

Additionally, using credit cards can protect your bank information, and some cards even offer rewards. 

So, I suggest you use your credit card like a debit card, never spending money you don’t have, and always paying off the balance in full every month. Do this and everything will be good.

In the interest of time, my podcast ends here. Thank you all for listening and supporting me. I wish you success in your studies, good luck with your financial management, and good health! Thank you.

Maggie Wettergreen

Maggie Wettergreen is a student in the second year of the Chinese program at WWU. This podcast was written as part of a class assignment.

男女平等的问题/ Gender Equality Issues

Podcast Audio:

Audio Transcription:

Hi Everyone, and welcome to our little podcast! I’m Wen Yulan [Maggie]. Today we have two special guests. Welcome Mr. Guo [played by 国静 Anna ] and Mrs. Guo [played by 民育苹 Wuyi].

国太太: 谢谢你请我们来。认识你我们很高兴。
Thank you for inviting us. It’s nice to meet you.

国先生: 嗯。

国太太: 哎呀,老公你也来说几句。
Hey, husband, you should say something too.

国先生: 你好,很高兴认识你。
Hello, nice to meet you.

玉兰: 您俩结婚多久了?
How long  have you two been married?

国太太: 今年已经二十五年了。
This year will be 25 years.

玉兰: 哇,好长时间。您们都做什么工作?
Wow, a long time. What do you both do for work?

国先生: 我是工厂里的工人,一辈子都在工作。
I am a factory worker, I’ve been working my whole life.

国太太: 而我现在是医生。
And now I am a doctor.

玉兰: 那么,在您们家里,男女平等吗?
Then, in your household,  are men and women equal?

国先生: 差不多,但是大部分家务都是我做的。
Pretty much, but I do the larger part of the household chores.

国太太: 是的,好几年来都是我在照顾孩子。孩子毕业以后我想轻松轻松。
Yes, for many years I was taking care of children. After the kids graduate I want to relax.

国先生: 你轻松轻松,而所有的劳动都是我来做的。
You relax, and I do all the labor.

玉兰: 是吗?有的人说女人应该在家里做所有的家务,照顾孩子,而男人应该出去挣钱。您觉得呢?
Is that so? Some people say that women should do all of the housework at home, take care of the kids, and men should go out and earn money. What do you think?

国先生: 有道理, 因为在古老的年代男人出门去打猎,所以现在挣钱的大多是男人。
It makes sense, because in ancient times men went out to hunt, so now mostly men earn money.

国太太: 但是现在不是古老的年代。你看现代女人可能成为医生。
But now is not ancient times. Look, in the modern era women can become doctors.

国先生: 当医生是当医生,但是男人比女人强壮多了!你连我一半的工作都做不了。
Working as a doctor is well and good, but men are much stronger than women! You couldn’t even do half of my job.

国太太: 什么意思?我看起来你每天都只看电视,跟朋友去公园打太极拳,晚上你就喝酒醉了。谁是一个医生?谁是养我们的孩子?
What’s that supposed to mean? I see you every day just watching TV, going to the park to do Tai Chi with your friends, in the evening getting drunk. Who is the doctor? Who raised our kid?

国先生: 那些活动都很重要!你怎么都不懂?
Those are all important activities! Why can’t  you understand?

玉兰: 好好好,国太太,别生气啊,很多男人都有这样的想法。
Ok, ok, ok, Mrs. Guo, don’t be angry, lots of men have this same way of thinking.

国太太: 常见不等于是对的。现在社会不再重男轻女。
Commonplace doesn’t mean it’s correct. Nowadays society does not favor boys over girls.

玉兰: 您说得对。国先生,改革开放以来,越来越多的女人选择去工作。这不是一件好事吗?
You’re right. Mr. Guo, since the reform and opening up, more and more women have chosen to work. Isn’t this a good thing?
(t/n: “Reform and opening up” refers to the period of Chinese economic reform in the late 1970s and early 1980s where more access to foreign trade and travel became available.)

国先生: 一直以来都是这样,但我知道我的国家缺少老师,所以…我并不讨厌。
It’s always been like this, but I know there’s a shortage of teachers in my country, so… I don’t hate it.

国太太: 哇,你太落伍了。
Wow, you are so out of date.

玉兰: 那么,您们有孩子吗?是男孩还是女孩?
Then, do you have children? Boys or girls?

国先生: 我们有一个儿子,我们为他感到骄傲。他刚开了一家店,他是个模范男人。
We have one son, and we are very proud of him. He just opened a shop, and he’s a model man.

玉兰: 哦,很厉害!是一位业主, 真酷。
Wow, that’s awesome! He’s a business owner [proprietor], that’s really cool.

国太太: 对啊,他是最好的花商。他和他的妻子一起经营这家店。
Yeah, he is the best florist. He and his wife run the shop together.

国先生: 他们互相合作。他负责设计广告,而妻子负责买卖花卉。
They mutually support each other: he designs the advertisements and his wife buys and sells the flowers.

国太太: 哦?听起来你说我们的儿媳妇做所有的重活。
Oh? It sounds like you’re saying our daughter-in-law does all the heavy lifting.

玉兰: 听起来他们相处得很幸福。我觉得时间差不多到了。谢谢您们来给我们这个机会认识您们的家庭。
It sounds like they get along very happily. I think time is about up. Thank you for coming and giving us this chance to get to know your family.

国太太: 别太客气了!
Don’t be so polite!
(t/n: a common response to “thank you”, similar to “you’re welcome” or “no thanks necessary”)

玉兰: 那么,最后,我们总是对听众朋友说 “下次在见”. 可以吗?
Then, lastly, we always give our listeners a “see you next time”. Can we?

国先生: 好的。

都: 下次在见!
See you next time!

Anna Holmes, Wuyi Walters, & Maggie Wettergreen

Anna Holmes, Wuyi Walters, and Maggie Wettergreen are students in the second year of the Chinese program at WWU. This podcast mock-interview was written as part of a class assignment.

Spring Cover Contest! / 春期封面比赛!

Mirror Magazine is looking for your photos, calligraphy, or artwork to feature in our Spring 2024 issue of the magazine! The theme should be related to school life, Chinese culture, or spring time (preferably all three). The winning photo or artwork will appear on the cover of the Spring issue with credit to the artist. Unfortunately we can not offer monetary prizes, but the winner will receive 5 copies of the print magazine to share with family and friends.

Submissions are due by May 13th


  • All entries must be original work or photographs by the entrants.
  • Content must be appropriate for an academic setting.
  • No third party may own or control any materials the photo contains, and the photo must not infringe upon the trademark, copyright, moral rights, intellectual rights, or rights of privacy of any entity or person.
  • By entering the contest, entrants agree that works submitted can be used by Mirror Magazine for print and online content, as well as promotional purposes.
  • Entries will be judged by Mirror’s editors and WWU MCL faculty. All decisions are final. The magazine reserves the right to disqualify any entry that is deemed inappropriate or does not conform to stated contest rules.

Email inquiries and submissions to: jingeditors@gmail.com

出国旅游经历/ Experience Traveling Abroad

Podcast Audio:

Audio Transcription:

玉兰: 大家好,欢迎来到春学期第一次的播客。 我是文玉兰在这儿欢迎我们的新同学邱文颢。
Hello everyone! Welcome to our first podcast of spring quarter! I’m Wen Yulan [Maggie] here welcoming our new classmate Qiu Wenhao.

Hello everyone! I’m Qiu Wenhao; “Qiu” as in the province Huoqiu, “Wen” from “Chinese” and “Hao” like Cui Hao. Nice to meet you!
(t/n: explaining which characters are used in a name by giving examples of common words, places, or famous people that also use those characters)

This time, I thought we could discuss our different travel experiences. How does that sound?

Sure! Sounds fun.

Which Countries and Cities have you been to?

I’ve been to China, mainly Beijing, Hong Kong, and Qingdao.

So, which city is the most interesting?

For me, the most interesting was Beijing.

Wow, I’ve heard Beijing has a lot of interesting tourist attractions. Is that true?

It is! I went to the Great wall, the Forbidden City, and other ancient places.

That’s a lot, which left you with the deepest impression?

The Great Wall left me with the deepest impression, because the scenery there is very beautiful.

The Great Wall is so big, how did you get to the top? Did you need entrance tickets?

We took a chair lift. I don’t know if you need a ticket because I went with a tour group.

Our university’s tour group, right? What did your tour group fee include?

文颢:是的。包括了游览北京三天,从北京到青岛的高铁票,然后 在青岛留学五个星期的学费,住宿费。
Right. It included sightseeing in Beijing for three days, the high-speed rail ticket from Beijing to Qingdao, and then five weeks of tuition and accommodations in Qingdao.

Then how about life in Qingdao? How’s the campus at Ocean University? Is the dining hall food good?

Ocean University’s dining hall is really good. Very cheap, and tastier than at Western’s.

Did you have a favorite dish?

I ate dumplings every day! A plate is 10 yuan.

玉兰:哇! 真的很便宜!其实,我今年夏天也打算去 青岛。关于哪里去,什么做,你有什么建议呢?
Wow! Really cheap! Actually, this summer I am also planning to go to Qingdao. Do you have any suggestions about where to go or what to do?

I suggest you go to Qingdao’s seaside. Then, you must go shopping at the mall in Licun.

Okay, thanks for your suggestion, I will definitely go take a look.

What countries have you been to? Which one is your favorite?

I’ve already been to Japan and Korea. It’s hard to choose which one I like better because they’re both great, but I think Japan is more interesting.


Because I went to some relatively small cities in Japan. There are not too many people, but the scenery is beautiful; it can let you have a good rest.

Oh, really? Which small city is your favorite?

It’s definitely a small city named Takayama. There is a lot of unique traditional architecture there.
(t/n: The city name “Takayama“ in Japanese is written as 高山 , which is pronounced “Gāoshān” in Chinese.)

Did you join a tour group to go sightseeing?

No, I traveled on my own.

Wow, how cool! Do you have any advice for tourists who want to travel independently?

Sure, I think that when traveling to a foreign country you absolutely must not only go to big cities and famous places, you must find more local attractions as well.

Okay, thanks!

玉兰:好,时间差不多到了。 谢谢你参加我们的播客。
Okay, time is almost up. Thank you for joining our podcast.

No problem! Thank you for inviting me.

玉兰:当然,我们给 听众朋友一个 “下次见” 吧!
Of course, let’s give our listeners a “see you next time”!

Thanks everyone!

See you next time!

Nevaeh Qiu & Maggie Wettergreen

Nevaeh Qiu and Maggie Wettergreen are students in the second year of the Chinese program at WWU. This podcast interview was written as part of a class assignment.

在华盛顿州旅行 / Traveling in Washington

Podcast Audio:

Audio Transcription:

Hello everyone, I’m Wen Yulan [Maggie]. Welcome to our final podcast of the winter quarter! This time, we have prepared a small conversation about travel for you. Classmate, would you like to introduce yourself?

Thank you for having me. Hello everyone, my name is Shan and I am from China! We’ve known each other for a long time?

Yes, we’ve known each other for about a year, but had never met in person. We can be considered old friends! I’m so glad we spent two weeks traveling together in Washington last summer.

Yeah, that was really fun!

That was your first time in America, right?

Correct! Previously, I had never been to a foreign country.

So, your first time coming to the US, and you chose to come to Washington State? Why?

That’s an interesting question…

I thought you wanted to come and see me.

山:对对,当然,这是我主要的目的! 哈哈。 再说,纽约或者旧金山是很热门的城市,对吧?
Yes, of course, this is my main purpose! haha. Besides, New York or San Francisco are very popular cities, right? 

Right, I heard that many travelers –when they come to the United States for the first time–come to these cities, so it is really special that you choose to come to Washington State.

Yes, but I think Washington is more interesting than those cities.

Why is that?

The nature [here] is special, and Washington is not too big and the cities are not too crowded.

I know what you mean. For example, when we went to Seattle, the environment was very lively, but compared with big cities in China, it was not such a sea of people.

I like that very much. We walked around and saw many attractions that day.

I remember you were already hangry after two hours.

Don’t bring it up, my stomach was growling! Sure enough, food is the most important thing for the people!

Luckily we found some snacks. Do you remember?

Oh, right! smoked salmon!

You know this is Washington’s specialty snack, right?

I know. Salmon is very important to the ecology, history, and culture of Washington, and besides, it tastes so delicious!

Right. Besides Seattle, I also took you to see the scenery in Olympic National Park. It’s my favorite place.

Right! That was the first time I saw such a natural environment. The mountains are so high, the trees are so green, and so quiet, you can even hear the footsteps of a mouse.

Your hometown doesn’t have these kinds of things?

None. My hometown is Shanghai, the population is large and fast food restaurants are everywhere.

But Shanghai has high-speed rail. I’ve never ridden on it, but I heard it’s very convenient.

Yes, I’m surprised the US doesn’t have high-speed rail. Do you know why?

That’s because throughout America’s history, a lot of people have always used cars, so the government didn’t pay much attention to developing the train system.

Oh, so that’s the case. Driving culture is a special feature of the United States. I hope this practice will change.

I agree. Sometimes driving can also be a waste of time. . . Jeeze, don’t remind me.

山:好,好, 别生气。肚子饿了吗?
Okay, okay, don’t be angry. Are you hungry?

Yes, I am! After we’re done filming the podcast, shall we go get a snack? My treat.

It’s a deal! Thank you for reminiscing with me about our travel experiences.

Don’t be so polite! Thank you for coming! Quick, let’s give our audience friends a “see you next time!” and then go eat.


都: 下次见!
See you next time!

Shan Robinson & Maggie Wettergreen

Shan Robinson and Maggie Wettergreen are students in the second year of the Chinese program at WWU. This podcast mock-interview was written as part of a class assignment.

网上春节特刊来了!| The Online Spring Festival Special Issue is Here!

Mirror Winter 2024 Spring Festival Edition


在网上看:2024年春节特刊镜杂志 PDF





The first New Year Special Edition of our magazine is finally available on the website! In order to bring you this special issue, our editors spent a lot of time working with international contributors, selecting and compiling the most interesting topics. Thank you to all our readers and contributors, and happy Year of the Dragon!

Read Online: Mirror Magazine Spring Festival 2024 Special Edition PDF

We are immensely grateful for our sponsor the Confucius Institute of Washington, China’s Ocean University, all the contributors to this edition, and support from faculty and students in Western’s Chinese program and MCL department. Enjoy the e-version of Mirror Magazine!

The Mirror Editing Team

Editorial Team

2023-2024 Student Editors: Maven Neumiller & Maggie Wettergreen
Faculty Editor in Chief: Claudia Liu

父母管你的教育吗? / Do Your Parents Manage Your Education?

Podcast Audio:

Audio Transcription:

玫芬: 欢迎大家!我是玫芬,今天 我在这儿跟我的同学玉兰,想讲一讲童年教育。
Welcome everybody! My name is Meifen [Maven], and today I am here with my classmate Yulan [Maggie] to talk about childhood education.

Yes, every parent has his or her own opinion on the issue of children’s education.

Not only do parents have different opinions, location and culture can also have an impact on children’s childhood.

For example, we are both from the US, but I was raised in Washington and you are from the Midwest, right?

Right. When I was a kid, my family and I lived in several places, but I went to middle school and high school in South Dakota.

Did your parents control your education? Take you to extracurricular activities like piano, painting, swimming, etc.?

Not entirely. At that time, my main focus was school and I spent all my time studying.

You must have made your parents happy. Did you have any interests or hobbies you chose yourself?

I spent a few years studying dance, but it was my own hobby. My parents never pushed me. 

My mom took me to some extracurricular activities, but not too many. For example, playing the piano, swimming, and riding horses.

玫芬:哇,骑马?很高档的运动。你的家庭很有钱吗 哈哈
Wow, horseback riding? A very fancy sport. Is your family rich? Haha 

No, no, not at all. My aunt was a horseback riding teacher. Because it was free, my mother had me learn from her.

Ah, I understand. Sounds like that didn’t make you very happy?

That’s true. I like horses, but my aunt was too strict, she made me hate riding. But the other activities were ok. I have always enjoyed swimming and piano.

Whether or not you liked them at the time,  do you think learning these things will be useful to you now?

I think it’s useful. For some skills, it’s just a matter of knowing how to do them. And you? Is there anything you wish your parents had taught you when you were a child?

Sometimes, I wish I had some of these skills, but I’m glad my parents let me study hard and not rush into extracurricular activities. After growing up, I can still learn new things.

But some things are easier to pick up when you’re a kid. Like learning languages.

You’re right. If that [having studied as a child] were the case, it would certainly be easier to take Chinese classes now.

I wish my parents had encouraged me to learn other languages. Although at that time there were no opportunities to learn Chinese, I could have studied Spanish. That would be very useful.

You make a good point. Sometimes, it’s not the choice of the parents or the children. In my hometown, there were not many opportunities to learn things, like other languages.

Then, what foreign language did you study in high school?

My high school offered students a choice of Spanish or French. I took French, but only studied it for two years because I didn’t like the class.

You could continue to study on your own.

I’ve tried. Without a teacher, it’s difficult to learn French.

Yes, language classes in college are better than those in high school. But some things cannot be learned from books.

Right, like how to speak as well as a native speaker, how to use modern slang, idioms, etc.

Exactly. I’ve learned a lot from playing games and watching TV.

Ah, I knew all that time spent on Douyin was educational!

Right, right, give ourselves a good excuse to have some fun.

玫芬: 好,时间差不多到了,那我们需要结束这个播客。谢谢你跟我们一起说话。
Okay, the time is almost up, so we need to end this podcast. Thank you for speaking with us.

Of course, no problem, thank you for having me.

都: 再见!

Maven Neumiller & Maggie Wettergreen

Maven Neumiller and Maggie Wettergreen are students in the second year of the Chinese program at WWU. This podcast interview was written as part of a class assignment.

孩子上网时间的问题 / The Issue of Children’s Online Time

Podcast Audio:

Audio Transcription:

玉兰: 欢迎大家来到我们的冬学期第一次的播客!我是文玉兰,在这儿跟我们的同学山一起为大家带来节目。
Welcome, everyone, to our first podcast of winter quarter! I’m Wen Yulan [Maggie], here with our classmate Shan to bring you a program.

山: 大家好!我是山。今天的节目是一个有声剧,是关于两个母亲的故事。这两个母亲先在咖啡馆见面。
Hi everyone! I’m Shan. Today’s program is an audio drama about the story of two mothers. First, these two mothers are meeting in a coffee shop.

Then let’s go listen!



Hi big sister! (t/n: way of addressing older female friends, not necessarily blood related) Thanks for meeting with me.

Don’t be so polite! How is your child?

He has a serious problem.

Really? What problem?

He plays games all day long from morning until night. It looks like he’s become addicted!

So how do you help him?

Yesterday I told him that he can only play for one hour a week.

玉兰:你不觉得有点严格吗?我的两个孩子做完功课以后, 想玩多久就玩多久。
Don’t you think it’s a bit strict? After my two children finish their homework, they can play as long as they want.

They can spend as much time online as they want?

Yes! But they must finish all their homework first.

But there is too much garbage online.

I know, but I trust my kids.

I don’t want my kids to be exposed to trash.

You can’t protect him forever. No matter what, he will eventually see the junk information himself.

I know this, but I thought my rules would be good for his grades.

Then, if you have any new information, please tell me. We can discuss it further.


Very interesting, these two people have very different ideas.

山: 但是他们的想法都很有趣。
But their ideas are interesting.

玉兰: 我想知道孩子们怎么想。
I wonder what the kids think.

It looks like they are chatting online right now.

Let’s go have a look!


Geeze, my mom annoys me to death. Nagging all day long!

oh? What’s going on, bro?

My previous test scores were a little low. It’s okay now, but she limits my time online again.

Again? I remember before you could only play for three hours a week, right?

yes! But, she still doesn’t know that I can use the neighbor’s network. Every day I wait for her to go to bed and sneak online.

No wonder I always see you playing games after eleven at night.

Of course, I must have my gaming time, otherwise I won’t be satisfied.

Then, why don’t you study first, then play?

山:为什么要? 我整天在学校学习,累都累死了,回家就想休息。
Why should I? I study at school all day long, it’s exhausting. When I get home I just want to rest.

Makes sense. As for me, as long as I finish my homework and my grades are fine, my mom doesn’t care about my online activities.

山:希望我妈妈能这样就好了。 无论我做什么,她老是掌控我。
Wish my mom could be like that. No matter what I do, she always controls me.

玉兰: 真糟糕啊。所以,你明晚想再玩游戏吗?
That sucks. So, do you want to play games again tomorrow night?

Of course!


It turns out that these children are not very obedient. However, it is great that we can hear the different opinions of both parents and children.

山:对对, 这个有声剧很好玩。
Yes, this audio drama is really fun.

Thank you for participating in our podcast!

山: 不客气!
No thanks needed!

玉兰: 好啊,听众朋友下次见!
Okay, see you next time listeners!


Shan Robinson & Maggie Wettergreen

Shan Robinson and Maggie Wettergreen are students in the second year of the Chinese program at WWU. This audio drama dialog was written as part of a class assignment.

我的童年 / My Childhood








My childhood is like the famous Chinese writer Lu Xun wrote in Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk, “Childhood is a river, rippling with beautiful memories; childhood is a painting, depicting colorful life; childhood is a song, joyously singing of unforgettable happiness. Oh, sweet childhood!”

Outside the window, the rain fell gently, while inside, a frustrated me practiced Beethoven’s piano “Ode to Joy”, which was completely out of tune with my mood. The next second, suddenly, it began pouring rain, and I finally couldn’t help crying because of the sadness that had been accumulating for a long time. Because this English test made me very unhappy, and I always like to be competitive in my studies. From then on, I always previewed carefully, listened to each lesson with rapt attention, and persisted in doing my homework every day. After the final exam of the third year, I realized the truth of “no pain, no gain”. I was not only top of my  English class, but also ranked first in my year in Chinese, mathematics and English. When I walked calmly up to the podium to receive the awards, listening to the warm applause from the students, and receiving the satisfying certificates from the teacher one after another, my heart was as happy as drinking honey. From this moment on, I became more passionate about learning. Day after day, year after year, I felt that learning would bring me a kind of happiness. This was not only because I enjoyed receiving awards and applause from others, but also because,  with each class, I learned new knowledge and gained new understanding of the world. During these days of continuous learning, I was also constantly creating good childhood memories.

In order to acquire more knowledge, I fell in love with reading. I remember, after reading If You Give Me Three Days of Light by Helen Keller, I learned to cherish my healthy body, fight against constant difficulties in life, and thank my parents for their influence on my life. And also how to grow in adversity and so on. When I read about Daiyu burying flowers in Cao Xueqin’s Dream of the Red Chamber, I was deeply moved by her touching poems about burying flowers. Daiyu watched the process of flowers blooming and falling in the Grand View Garden, and then thought of her own life experience and wrote a poem called “The Song of Burying Flowers”. Two of my favorite lines are: “Flowers wither, flowers fly, and the sky is full of flowers, who will have pity when the red disappears?” and “Three hundred and sixty days a year, wind, knife, frost, and sword are fierce.” I was impressed by Daiyu’s brilliance, and it

also made me feel sadness and pity for the tragic fate of the women in this literary work. The second sentence made me feel the sadness of her life under the Jia’s family’s roof. Like a flower, these hard times are slowly destroying her day by day. Her “Burrying Flowers” made me feel that she has the noble sentiment of Liu Yuxi who “can tune the plain qin and read the golden scriptures”. I think this poem made me understand Daiyu more comprehensively. Although the book “To Live” is a bit heavy, it made me understand that everyone lives in their own way and has their own meaning of life, and helped me find new meaning in my own existence. It was through these readings that I came to appreciate how colorful my childhood life was.

In the end, my childhood memories are filled with songs and singing. Because I like to listen to all kinds of songs and learn how to sing, I feel they brought a different kind of enjoyment to my childhood life. For example: The first song I learned called “Where is Spring”, which I learned in music class, helped me feel the beauty of spring, and taught me to be adept at observing life and discovering it’s beauty. The song “Let’s Swing Our Oars” not only made me feel the beautiful scenery of the North Sea described in the lyrics, but also made me feel the joy of the children rowing and their gratitude toward the country. Also, in the process of learning to sing “Jasmine”, I not only learned to love the beauty of nature, but also learned how to love life. All these songs make me realize all the happiness in my life.

How wonderful my childhood was! These fragments of childhood memories composed of learning, reading and singing make me nostalgic every time I think of them. Childhood is like a rainbow, filling me with colorful memories; childhood is like the sun, filling my life with warmth; childhood is like stars in the sky, filling my life with its shining light.

Rose Snyder

Rose is a senior at WWU Graduating from the Chinese Language Program in 2023.

妈妈和女儿一起去购物 / Mother and Daughter Go Shopping Together









凯琳:都难,但是我觉得非常好玩。因为我学中文学了五年了, 这个中文课不太难。每天我学新的语法,还有上课的时候老师说很多中文。日文课比中文课难,因为我刚开始学,所以当然难, 但还是很好玩!




妈妈:这购物中心有很多名牌的店,像 Lululemon,Hollister,Altar’d State,什么的。我觉得我们应该先去 Lululemon。

凯琳:好!我喜欢 Lululemon。







凯琳:真的吗? 谢谢,你好厉害!


凯琳:我想去 Converse 店!



妈妈:哎,你好麻烦。Converse 店在这边,来吧。


妈妈:你为什么喜欢 Converse?

凯琳:因为 Converse 鞋子的质量很好,而且又时髦又好看。哎!这双鞋子的颜色好看。



妈妈:好。你想不想去Alter’d State?我知道你喜欢那个地方。
















Katelyn’s mother just picked her up, they’re driving to the mall.

Mom: Katelyn, how has college been going? Everything good?

Katelyn: My two language classes are going super well! But my Greek Mythology class, not so much.

Mom: Really?How come?

Katelyn: Because during class, even though I understand what the professor is saying, once class ends, I’ve already forgotten everything. So I don’t do too well on tests.

Mom: Oh, well good luck! I have faith in you. I know you’re very smart, don’t be nervous, ok?

Katelyn: Ok, thank you mom!

Mom: You said your two language classes were going well, are they hard?

Katelyn: Yeah they are hard, but I find them really fun! Because I’ve been studying Chinese for 5 years, this Chinese class is not too difficult. Every day I’m learning new grammar and during class the professor speaks a lot of Chinese! The Japanese class is harder than the Chinese class, since I just started learning Japanese, of course the class is difficult, but still fun!

Mom: That’s good! 

Arriving at the mall.

Katelyn: This mall is huge! Where do you want to go first?

Mom: This mall has a lot of famous brand stores like Lululemon, Hollister, and Altar’d State, etc. I think we should start at Lululemon.

Katelyn: Okay! I like Lululemon. 

Looking at clothes in the shopping center.

Mom: Katelyn, look, this hat looks great! What do you think?

Katelyn: Oh, very fashionable! How much is it?

Mom: It’s 20% off right now, only 30 bucks. I’d say that’s a pretty good price!

Katelyn: This price is pretty good! I also like this set of sportswear, the look, size, and quality are all very suitable.

Mom: I agree, plus it’s 100% pure cotton. I’ll buy it for you, it doesn’t matter how expensive.

Katelyn: Really? Thank you! You’re awesome!

Mom: No need to thank me, I’m your mom, I can buy things for you. Which shops do you still want to go to?

Katelyn: I want to go to the Converse store!

Mom: But you already have so many shoes, why do you need more?

Katelyn: Because I want various different colors of shoes, then my shoes and shirts can match.

Mom: You’re such a hassle. The Converse store is this way, come on.

Katelyn: Woah! There are so many shoes! This is the biggest Converse store! And everything is 40% off!

Mom: Why do you like Converse?

Katelyn: Because the Converse shoes are good quality, move over, they’re stylish and good looking. Hey! This pair of shoes are a good color!

Mom: I’ll let you choose two pairs of shoes, okay?

Katelyn: Okay! Then I want to buy the blue ones and the green ones.

Mom: Okay, do you want to go to Altar’d State? I know you like that place.

Katelyn: We can go, I do like it, but finding clothes of a suitable size is a little hard.

Mom: It’s okay, I’ll help you.

Katelyn: This skirt looks nice! But it’s a little short.

Mom: I think that skirt is too short. It’s been very cold lately, you should buy long skirts. Or else you’ll easily catch a cold.

Katelyn:You’re right. Then I won’t buy a skirt, I’ll just buy warm clothes.

Shop Clerk: Excuse me, what are your criteria for buying clothes?

Katelyn: My criteria for buying clothes are, firstly, how they look, secondly, whether they are fashionable or not, thirdly, the quality, and fourthly, how comfortable they are. Whether it’s a famous brand or not, and whether it’s expensive or not, I don’t care.

Shop Clerk: Okay, then what do you think of this jacket?

Katelyn: This jacket looks good, the color is pretty good too, and it’s good quality. I’ll get it!

Shop Clerk: Awesome! Please come to the cash register.

Mom: Do you want me to get it for you?

Katelyn: No need, I can buy it myself.

Store Clerk: The jacket is 10% off, all together it’s $99.99. Are you paying with cash or card?

Katelyn: I’ll use card, thank you!

Katelyn Widell

Katelyn Widell is a freshman at WWU and has been learning Chinese for 5 years. She is also starting to learn Japanese.

选择最好的专业 / Choosing The Best Major

Podcast Audio:

Audio Transcription:

Hello everyone! I’m Wen Yulan [Maggie], here with our classmate Ren Lixing [Dalraj]. Today we have a different activity: we are going to debate a little.

立行: 对, 是的.

Then, what are we going to debate about?

立行: 今天我们一起辩论的题目是:大学生应该学哪个专业?
Our debate topic today is: What major should college students study?

That’s interesting, maybe some of our classmates will find it helpful.

立行: 你也许是对的。
You may be right.

Ok, this is the debate topic: The purpose of attending college is to prepare you to find a career in the future, therefore studying in Science and Engineering or Management colleges are the best choices. Which side do you want to argue?

立行: 我的专业是会计, 而且我的父母从印度来的。 他们觉得工程和管理都很厉害。 所以我就会辩论赞成方。
My major is accounting, and also my parents are from India. They think that engineering and management are both great. So I’ll argue for.

Makes sense. Since I will apply to the graduate school creative writing program, I must argue against.

立行: 好。准备开始吧?
Ok, ready to get started?

Ready. You can speak first.

立行: 我们都知道工程和管理工作最挣钱。如果你学人文学科, 那将来就少挣钱。有更多钱,我就能过更舒服的生活。
We all know that engineering and management jobs make the most money. If you study humanities, in the future you will make less. Having more money, I can experience a more comfortable life.

I don’t think that’s necessarily true. The amount of time spent working for the same amount of money might not be the same. 

立行: 你说的是什么意思?
What do you mean?

Jobs in science and engineering and business management require long work hours, often working overtime, or require working with colleagues. In contrast to these jobs, some jobs in the humanities have more flexible schedules. Having money but no freedom, how can you feel comfortable?

立行: 将来, 我觉得我在我的法拉利上坐着很舒服. 如果我挣更多钱, 我有更多自由,也可以去轻松度假。
In the future, I think I’ll feel pretty comfortable sitting in my Ferrari. If I make more money, I’ll have more freedom and can go on relaxing vacations.

But if you really enjoy your job and it doesn’t give you much trouble, would you still need to go on vacation? In my opinion, having a career that you can always enjoy is the most important thing. In this way, you can slowly earn money throughout your life without giving up happiness. 

立行: 但是你需要找到一份你喜欢的工作,人文学科的工作比STEM的工作更难找到。
But you need to find a job you like, humanities jobs are harder to find than STEM jobs.

Skills learned in the humanities are broad, so finding a job is not as hard as people think. For example, we’re in the library right now, and librarians are a humanities career.

立行: 是的。但是图书馆是工程师做的, 不是图书管理员做的。
True, but libraries are built by engineers, not librarians.

But this college was originally a normal school [teacher’s college], and education is also a humanities career. Without teachers, librarians, and writers, there wouldn’t be engineers to build the library.

立行: 行,行,除了图书馆,其他基础设施像路桥、网路、技术,什么的,都是工程师建造的。
Ok, ok, besides libraries, other infrastructure like roads, bridges, networks, technology, etc. are all built by engineers.

It takes many people to build these things, not just engineers.

立行: 最终,工程师还是挣更多的钱。
But in the end, engineers still earn more money.

Maggie: 哎呀,你真麻烦。
Jeeze, you’re really troublesome.

立行: 对不起,我知道。 我们都知道每个人都有各自的意见。
Sorry, I know. We all know everyone has their own opinion.

Right, although science and engineering careers can make a lot of money, if you can’t stand it then it’s no use.

立行: 比如说, 我的朋友的第一份工作是会计但是他受不了。 后来他换了工作去当DJ,现在他很高兴。
For example, my friend’s first career was accounting, but he couldn’t stand it. Later he changed careers to DJ-ing, and now he’s very happy.

Exactly. Ok, well thank you for debating with me today, this activity has turned out to be really interesting and fun.

立行: 你也是。 祝你创意写作越来越成功!
You too. I wish you more and more success in creative writing.

玉兰:也祝你会计事业顺利发展! 我们给大家一个”再见“吧。
I also wish you smooth development in your accounting career! Let’s give everyone a “goodbye”.


Dalraj Romana & Maggie Wettergreen

Dalraj Romana and Maggie Wettergreen are students in the second year of the Chinese program at WWU. This debate dialog was written as part of a class assignment.

在国外吃中国菜 / Eating Chinese Food Abroad

Podcast Audio:

Audio Transcription:

Hello everyone, I’m Wen Yulan (Maggie) and today I’m here with our fellow student Wan Minghua (Kaitlyn) to talk about eating Chinese food abroad.

Eating at a restaurant in Beijing, China

Right, when traveling it’s very interesting to order food at restaurants.

And a little difficult, right?

Not too difficult, just nerve-wracking.

En, I agree. Well, I heard over summer you and our Chinese department classmates went to study abroad in China.

明花: 对啊,我跟九个大一和六个大二的中文学生一起去的。头两天我们先跟吴老师和刘老师看看北京,然后就去青岛。我们有五个星期住在中国海洋大学。
Correct, I went with nine freshmen and six sophomore Chinese students. For the first two days, we visited Beijing with Teacher Wu and Teacher Liu, and then went to Qingdao. We spent 5 weeks at Ocean University of China.

玉兰: 在中国,你吃了什么菜?
In China, what kind of food did you eat?

明花: 我吃了很多不认识的东西,哈哈!在北京吴老师和刘老师带我们去一家高级餐厅点了很多食物。去中国以前,我只知道一点中国菜。我吃了很多不知道名字的菜。但是我发现我喜欢炒白菜木耳,而且在离长城很近的餐馆儿,有我很喜欢冰川茄子。味道甜甜的,好吃极了。
I ate many unfamiliar things, ha! In Beijing Teacher Wu and Teacher Liu brought us to a fancy restaurant and ordered a lot of food. Before going to China I knew little about Chinese food. I ate many dishes I didn’t know the names of. But I discovered I like stir-fried cabbage and wood-ear mushrooms, and also, in a restaurant near the Great Wall they had a glacial eggplant I liked.

玉兰: 听起来真好吃。还有呢?
Sounds really tasty. Anything else?

明花: 啊对了,在海洋大学的附近我们常常到小烧烤馆儿或者火锅馆儿吃晚饭。
Oh, right, near Ocean University we would often go to small barbeque or hot pot restaurants to eat dinner.

How was it? Did it suit your taste?

明花: 菜都太好吃了!但是很多东西是辣辣的。
The dishes were all so delicious! But many things were very spicy.

玉兰: 是吗?你没点比较清淡的吗?
Is that so? You didn’t order something lighter?

明花: 在烧烤馆儿和火锅馆儿服务员常常问我 “你要辣的吗”?每次我都会说 “要,好听啊”。虽然这些菜辣得受不了,但是一直点,因为太好吃的。
At barbecue restaurants and hot pot restaurants, the waiters would often ask me, “Do you want it spicy?” Every time I say “yes, it sounds good”. Although these dishes are unbearably spicy, I keep ordering them because they are so delicious.

So, if you could only choose one dish to order for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

明花: 冰川茄子吧!要是我只吃冰川茄子,我的生命会短得很,可是我不在乎我反而会很高兴。
Glacial Eggplant! If I only eat glacial eggplant, my life will be very short, but I don’t care, I will be very happy instead.

ok, ok.

You also went abroad over summer, right?


Where did you go?

I went to Japan

Ah, I heard that Japanese cuisine is very light [in flavor]. Is that true?

Yes, I think it’s relatively light. They eat a lot of fish and don’t use too much salt. The dishes are also not spicy.

Did you like it? I thought you loved spicy food.

Exactly. My taste is usually very strong. But I’m not picky. I especially love to eat fresh fish, so I feel Japanese food also suits me.

Eating Chinese food in Chinatown in Yokohama, Japan

Then in Japan did you eat a lot of sushi?

Too much! In one meal I ate 30 pieces of sushi by myself.

No way!

玉兰:  是真的!我可以给你看照片!
It’s true! I can show you pictures.

Haha, I believe you. Then, in how was ordering in Japanese restaurants? Do you speak Japanese?

玉兰:  我不会说,就在菜单上指出你想要的,没问题。可是为了练习中文,在横滨的中国城,我也去了一家餐馆儿。
No, I don’t speak it. You just point out what you want on the menu, it’s no problem. But I also went to a restaurant in Yokohama’s Chinatown to practice Chinese.

Interesting, did you chat with the waiter?

玉兰:  一点点。我一边说, “我们想点这个,这个,还有这个” 一边指着菜单。后来我问她 “这些菜太多吗?” 还有她说 “不太多。” 买单以后我说,“谢谢您,真好吃的!”
A little. I said “We would like to order this, and this and this” while pointing at the menu. Later, I asked her, “Are these dishes too much?” and she said “not too much”. After paying the bill I said “Thank you, it was very delicious!”

Using Chinese outside of school, you must be very happy.

玉兰: 对啊,非常高兴。
Yes, very happy.

Okay, do we have anything else we want to share with everyone?

玉兰: 没有。就这样。我们下次见!
No, just this. We’ll see you next time!


Kaitlyn Bahn & Maggie Wettergreen

Kaitlyn Bahn and Maggie Wettergreen are students in the second year of the Chinese program at WWU. Kaitlyn participated in WWU’s 2023 summer study-abroad program at Ocean University in Qingdao, Shandong Province, China.

认识CCC的领导人们 / Meet the CCC Leadership

Podcast Audio:

CCC的领导人们: 玫芬,爱乐,玉兰
CCC leadership: Maven, Alexa, Maggie

Audio Transcription:

Hello everyone! We are the leaders of the Chinese Conversation Club.

Welcome to the first episode of CCC’s conversation recordings.

I hope these podcasts of ours can continue [to be made].

That’s right. Today we would like to introduce ourselves and let you get to know the leaders of CCC. Who will go first? 

玫芬:我可以先说。 我是会长, 我叫刘玫芬。
I can speak first. I am the president, my name is Liu Meifen.

What does “huì zhǎng” mean in English?

玫芬:哦对,意思是 “president”.
Oh right, it means “president”.

En, and how do you write your name?

“Liu” is the same as Liu Bei, “Mei” is from “rose”, “Fen” from “fragrance”.
(t/n: explaining which characters are used in a name by giving examples of common words or famous people that also use those characters)

玉兰:好, 好。我可以第二个说。我是副会长,在英语是 “vice-president”。 叫文玉兰,中文的文,玉兰花的玉兰。你呢?
Okay, I can speak second. I am the “fù huì zhǎng”, or “vice-president” in English. My name is Wen Yulan, the “Wen” is from the word for “Chinese”, and “Yulan” is from “magnolia flower”. And you?

爱乐:我是财务长那是“treasurer”, 我叫爱乐,我爱你的爱,快乐的乐。
I am the “cáiwù zhǎng”, that is “treasurer”, my name is Ai Le, “Ai” from “I love you”, “Le” from “happy”.

Nice to meet you!

Haha, right, nice to meet you too!

Next, we have some quick questions for you.


Bring it on!

What is your major?

玫芬: 我的专业是语言学还有中文
My major is linguistics, and also Chinese.

That’s cool, currently my major is Chinese. And you Yulan?

My major is also Chinese, but next year I hope I will be a grad student in English. Actually, right now I am a post-baccalaureate student.

Ok, next question. How long have you been studying Chinese? And why do you study Chinese?

I have been studying Chinese for about 2 years.

Really? I’ve also been studying for 2 years. Why did you start?

玫芬: 自小以来,我很喜欢学别的语言,但是我不会说的。开始学中文的时候,我觉得很有意思,学中文快速地成我最喜欢的爱好。玉兰,你呢?
Since childhood, I have loved learning other languages, but I couldn’t speak them. When I started learning Chinese, I found it very interesting. Learning Chinese quickly became my favorite hobby. Yulan, what about you?

At first I just wanted to learn a new language. Because I like music and singing, I wanted to learn a tonal language to give myself a challenge.

玫芬: 爱乐,你呢? 你为什么开始学中文?
Aile, what about you? Why did you start learning Chinese? 

I learn Chinese because I think Chinese characters are not only beautiful, but also many Chinese characters have interesting matters. (T/N: backgrounds, features).

I agree! Besides learning Chinese, do you have any other hobbies?

Besides Chinese… I also like to watch movies and read books. I really enjoy watching thriller movies (jīngsǒng piàn).

玫芬:惊悚片是 “thriller movies” 对吗?
“Jīngsǒng piàn” is “thriller movies”, right?


Wow, that’s cool. I don’t like watching scary movies.

Really? Then what are your hobbies?

My main hobby is music. Besides music, I also like running and reading books.

I also love reading books! If I have free time, I will always read. Recently I’ve been learning to cook. I think that’s also really interesting.

Cooking is a good life skill.


玉兰:好,最后的问题。 CCC的哪个部分是你最喜欢的?
Ok, last question. Which part of CCC is your favorite?

What do you mean?

Such as “what activity”?

玉兰: 对啊,比如,看电影,打麻将,书法,绘画。。。我最喜欢看电影,但是教室的椅子不太舒服。。。
Yeah, for example, watching movies, playing mahjong, calligraphy, painting… My favorite is watching movies, although the seats in the classroom are not that comfortable…

Ah, I agree. I like learning calligraphy, but my favorite part is chatting with you all.

My favorite is learning calligraphy. It’s difficult, but very interesting. Moreover, calligraphy is beautiful. I hope we will write calligraphy, I think many people will like it.

You’re right, calligraphy is indeed special.

So, apart from watching movies and doing calligraphy, what are the benefits of participating in CCC?

Also, you can find someone to help you with your homework.

Right. Moreover, you can make new friends.

That’s right! Okay, we’ll see you next time!


Chinese Conversation Club Logo

CCC Leadership

Chinese Conversation Club leaders Maven Neumiller (president), Maggie Wettergreen (vice-president), and Alexa Agbayani (treasurer), are students in the second year of the Chinese program at WWU.

《纸动物园》| The Paper Menagerie




Ken Liu’s 2016 short story “The Paper Menagerie” is a very moving and emotional story. It tells the story of a young boy and his relationship with his parents. His father was American, while his mother came from China. As he was growing up, the boy’s mother gifted him paper animals to play with. However, these toys were made fun of by his friends, which led to bullying. This caused him to begin to resent his mother. His friends had more expensive and intricate toys, so they looked down upon and made fun of the paper animals crafted by his mother. This resentment grew and grew, so as he continued to grow up, his relationship with his mother became more strained and distant. After 30 years had passed, his mother was severely ill and on the verge of death. As he rushed to the hospital to see her in her final moments, she had already passed away. A few weeks later, as he was cleaning out his mother’s old belongings, he found two things: the paper tiger that his mother made for him as a child, and his mother’s old journal. Besides containing details about his mother’s journey immigrating to the US, it also contained his mother’s thoughts about her faltering relationship with her son. The very last sentence in the journal wrote, “My son, why won’t you speak to your own mother?”

I believe this story is very representative of the story and feelings of many second generation immigrants and children of multiracial families. One’s personal identity can be very divisive and contradictory. For example, biracial children commonly ask themselves, “Are we American, or are we Chinese (or any other nationality for that matter)?” After growing up, I still don’t know the answer to this question. Furthermore, there are times and situations that lead us to choose one side or the other. For example, there are some people who do not understand the cultures of other countries, and thus can influence how somebody looks upon their own culture. This is exactly the experience told by the boy in “The Paper Menagerie”. Personally, this is an internal conflict that I have experienced many times. However, as I grew and matured, I began to realize that all aspects of life have to include balance, which is a philosophy that is very applicable to discovering identity. As a biracial child of an immigrant, I’ve come to realize that I am not solely Chinese or American. I am a Chinese-American.

Derek Newton 陈启恒

3rd Year Chinese Language Student at WWU.

学年 中文学部 大记事 | Chinese Program Year In Review

Watching classmates’ performances for Chinese New Year


Guest Speakers
In fall quarter, the Chinese program invited two internationally recognized scholars to deliver two excellent speeches on Zoom to Western students and community members interested in Chinese language and culture. Professor Xuetao Li shared with us many pertinent ideas on how to conduct academic research in Sinology. Many students felt his ideas were very helpful for further MA or PHD program education planning. Additionally, Professor Yang Zhao delivered a speech mainly about the standards for how to become a professional instructor who teaches Chinese as a foreign language. He also shared important advice and tips with us about securing teaching positions in the job market. Thanks to student participation, useful tips and ideas from the guests, the talks were very successful!

Professor Liu’s calligraphy workshop

在整个学年里,中文项目组织了各种中文桌子的主题活动。那些刚接触到中国语言和传统的人都觉得这些活动非常有趣! 例如,在冬季学期,初学阶段的学生能够体验如何使用毛笔和宣纸来书写汉字,传统的书法方式让大家感受到了中国文化的优雅气息。

Chinese Table
Throughout the academic year, the Chinese program organized various Chinese Table activities. Those who are new to Chinese language and traditions found these events extremely interesting! For instance, in winter quarter, students at the beginning level were able to experience how to write Chinese characters by using ink brush and Xuan paper, and the traditional calligraphy demonstration enchanted everyone with the elegance of this Chinese cultural tradition. In fact, many students mentioned looking forward to a Chinese Calligraphy course next academic year.


Chinese Mini-Library
Since January of 2023, the Chinese program has been working on the establishment of a mini-library. Chinese language books will be available to Chinese majors, minors and any other language learners. Instructors of all levels in the Chinese program will also assign students some reading homework with book reports or reviews so that these books will be better utilized.

Students learning to play Mahjong at CCC


Chinese Conversation Club (CCC) Events
Each quarter, CCC events and workshops are held regularly by students with the support and assistance of Chinese faculty members. This club offers a chance for students to review what they learn and a place to participate in more cultural activities. All events thus far have had enormous positive benefits for students’ studies.


Chinese Food Culture Week
In fall quarter, the Chinese students learned a lot about food culture during Food Culture Week that they would not have learned in class. Before a food tasting event, the teachers assigned homework to encourage the students to research more about the history, characteristics, and schools of Chinese cuisine in advance. Then, during the event the students applied what they learned in practice by asking relevant, impromptu questions, many of which were related to the occupation of early Chinese immigrants and the current climate of the American food service industry. The culture and language behind the Chinese food also gave students a deeper understanding of the history of China and encouraged them to further immerse themselves in their Chinese studies in and outside of the classrooms.

Students follow along with Professor Chen’s instruction

在冬季学期,中文学部和汉语对话俱乐部组织了一次中国美术工作坊研讨会。我们邀请了山东艺术设计学院的陈淑光教授,他在讲座中向中文主修专业和辅修专业的学生、教师和其他参与者介绍了中国水彩画的历史。然后他在线上教授所有参与者来现场画水彩画。这次活动也获得了非常成功的效果! 所有参与其中的人都对中国艺术变得越来越感兴趣。

Guest Artist Events
In winter quarter, the Chinese program and Chinese Conversation Club organized an art workshop. We invited Professor Shuguang Chen of Shandong University of Arts and Design, who delivered a presentation introducing the history of Chinese watercolor painting to both Chinese majors and minors, as well as faculty members and visitors. He then taught all participants via Zoom call how to do watercolor painting. The workshop participants were very successful in their learning, and many students became even more interested in traditional Chinese arts.

Professor Su tells students the legend of Nian

中国新年,也被称为春节,是中国文化中最重要的节日,全世界有数百万人在庆祝。在2023年的冬季,中文学部举行了一年一度的新年庆祝活动,以庆祝传统和所有中文主修和辅修专业同学们的进步,许多对中文感兴趣的学习者也加入到活动中来。这是自疫情以来第一次面对面的线下聚会,全体教师和学生志愿者共同成功地组织了这次活动。我们邀请了外国语学院的系主任Shannon Dubenion-Smith教授致开幕词,中文学部的主任吴思远教授向大家宣布了未来中文系的发展计划。大家对即将出版的中文杂志《镜》、春季郊游、中文会话俱乐部的活动、中文小图书馆的建立,暑期留学项目等都感到十分期待。各年级学生表演了很多精彩的节目,包括中文歌曲、小品、舞蹈、诗朗诵、绕口令、脱口秀等等。 此次活动不仅使中文项目和中国文化在校园内得到了更广泛的传播,而且大大增强了师生对教学工作以及学生们学习的信心。这个活动提供了一个文化交流和理解的机会,并促进了文化多样性。它还促使参与者相互学习,分享他们自己的学习经验和文化传统,并建立起一种跨文化的纽带。

First year students Nevaeh Qiu and Wuyi Walters

Chinese New Year Celebration
The Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival or Lunar New Year, is the most important holiday in Chinese culture and is celebrated by millions of people worldwide. In winter quarter of 2023, the Chinese program held its annual New Year Celebration to celebrate the tradition and the progress of all Chinese majors and minors. Many students who are interested in Chinese also joined the event. This was the first face-to-face gathering since Covid started three years ago. The entire faculty membership worked with student volunteers to successfully organize the event this year. We invited the department chair of MCL, Professor Shannon Dubenion-Smith to deliver the opening remarks, and Chinese faculty head Professor Julian Wu announced program development plans to everyone. Everyone was excited about the upcoming Chinese magazine, spring field trips, activities of Chinese Conversation Club, the establishment of a Chinese mini-library, faculty-led summer study abroad program, etc. Students of all levels performed a variety of great shows, including Chinese songs, skits, dancing, poem recitation, tongue twisters, a talk show, and many others. This event not only provided a good exposure for the Chinese language program and Chinese culture on campus, but also greatly enhanced the confidence of teachers and students in the importance of their achievements. This event provided an opportunity for cultural exchange and understanding, as well as the promotion of cultural diversity. It also allowed participants to learn from each other, share their own study experience and cultural traditions, and build cross-cultural connections.

Claudia Liu 刘海燕

Claudia Liu, Language Instructor of Chinese, holds two M.A. degrees in the fields of linguistics (University of Washington U.S., and Newcastle University, U.K). Her research interests include: teaching Chinese as a foreign language, second language acquisition, and multilingualism. As a talented professional with more than 20 years of teaching experience, her passion for teaching and love of language make her classes a joy to attend.

融汇东西的艺术家:张莉莉 | An Artist Who Blends East and West: Lili Zhang

油画 《紫调系列—花季》
Oil Painting “Purple Series- Flower Season”




上图 风景速写 《秋山图》
Landscape Sketching “Autumn Mountain”



上图 油画 《紫调系列—瓶花》
Oil Painting “Purple Series- Flowers in Vases”


Lili Zhang, born in Dezhou, Shandong Province, China, is a distinguished artist specializing in landscape sketching and oil painting. She has been working as an instructor teaching and researching environmental design at the College of Fine Arts of Dezhou University since 2007. As a versatile artist, Lili Zhang’s works include a wide range of subjects from still life to people, and landscapes, demonstrating her grasp of delicate emotions and rich subtext.

Professor Zhang developed a strong interest in painting from a young age. After years of study and research, she became proficient in traditional Chinese painting as well as oil painting, sketching and watercolor. This enables her to freely move between Eastern and Western styles in her art, skillfully blending the two painting traditions to create unique pieces.

Professor Zhang’s works have been exhibited in multiple Chinese art exhibitions and have received numerous honors, such as the Gold Award in the Shandong Fine Arts Competition (Oil Painting category) of Art Schools. These awards not only reflect her outstanding achievements in the field of painting but also highlight her contribution to the promotion and development of Eastern and Western art traditions.

上图 油画 《紫调系列—憩》
Oil Painting “Purple Series- Leisure”

As a painter with a global view, Professor Zhang demonstrates the value of cultural communication between China and the West through her works. Her pieces breathe new life into traditional Chinese painting and showcase the beautiful fusion of Eastern and Western art styles to the world.

The characteristics of Chinese painting have had a profound impact on her creations. The artworks of Fengmian Lin in particular inspired her in form and line, guiding her to create paintings such as “Leisure”. In the sketch “Autumn Mountain”, the layers of space, the density of lines, and the creation of visual focal points in the picture all reflect the painter’s deep understanding and delicate interpretation of composition, modeling, and brushwork. Her impressive oil painting “Flower Season” demonstrates the spontaneity characteristic of traditional Chinese painting, combined with the rigor of Western painting composition.

Editorial Team

Written by the editorial team in partnership with the artist.

Artist 张莉莉 Lili Zhang
Born: 1980
Nationality: Chinese
Artistic Fields: Oil Painting, Decorative Art

《三国演义》| The Romance of the Three Kingdoms


当我长大好好学习之后,第一个想阅读的中国的四大名著便是《三国演义》。 在阅读的过程中,我被各个鲜明的角色深深吸引。想复兴汉室的刘备,年纪轻轻就管理着江南的孙权,还有著作中的大反派“挟天子以令诸侯”的曹操。但是我最喜欢的人物还是诸葛亮。他 在赤壁之战前后扮演了一个很重要的角色,不管是“草船借箭”还是“三气周瑜”,都深深让我体会到不管是在哪个时代,有学问都是非常重要的。刘备有那么多猛将愿意跟随着他,但他还是需要有计谋的诸葛亮才得以三分天下。

从《三国演义》中,我深深体会了中国文化中文武双全的意义。说到《三国演义》,自然是离不开精彩的“赤壁之战”,不论是政治还是生意都离不开结盟,就如刘备与孙权的两个不被曹操看在眼里的合作者能扳倒号称有百万大军的曹操 ,不仅仅是有才智超群的诸葛亮、擅长水战的周瑜、再加上刘备的虎将以及勇敢的黄盖,曹操东拼西凑的降军哪里是他们的对手?

先是“草船借箭”减少了曹操的资源,接着是黄盖的 “苦肉计 ”,最后是诸葛亮神乎其技借来了东风打得曹军落花流水。一连串的连环计让我也挺同情曹操的。在华容道上,罗贯中安排了有情有义的关羽放了曹操一马,不仅让关羽的性格更加鲜明, 更是让赤壁之战结束在一个和气的场景中。



When I was young, I looked forward to listening to the CD of “Happy Three Kingdoms” by Hou Wenyong and Cai Kangyong before going to bed. They told the story of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms in a modern, humorous, and witty style of dialogue. At that time, my Chinese was not good enough to read Luo Guanzhong’s The Romance of the Three Kingdoms directly, and I was not interested in history, but I had a great time listening to the story.

When I grew up and studied Chinese diligently, the first out of the four Chinese classics I wanted to read was The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. In the process of reading, I was very impressed by the distinctive characters. Liu Bei who wanted to revive the Han Dynasty, Sun Quan who managed the south of the Yangtze River at a young age, and Cao Cao who was the villain in the book “Holding the Emperor to Order the Dukes”. But my favorite character is still Zhuge Liang. He played a very important role during the Battle of Chibi. Whether it was in “Straw Boat Borrowing Arrows” or “Zhou Yu’s three angers”, I understood that no matter what era you are in, having mastery of knowledge is especially important. Liu Bei has many talented generals willing to follow him, but he still needs Zhuge Liang, who devised the strategy to divide China into three.

From reading The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, I deeply understand the importance of having both knowledge and physical power in Chinese culture. When talking about The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, it is impossible not to discuss the remarkable “Battle of Chibi”. Whether it is politics or business, both rely upon forming alliances, just like Liu Bei and Sun Quan, two partners who were initially overlooked by Cao Cao. They were able to defeat Cao Cao, despite his million-strong army through a combination of Zhuge Liang’s intelligence, Zhou Yu’s water warfare skills, Liu Bei’s talented generals and Huang Gai’s bravery. How could Cao Cao’s ragtag army of defectors, assembled from different places, ever compete with them?

First, “Straw boat borrowing arrows” reduced Cao Cao’s resources, followed by Huang Gai’s “taking the pain to gain trust”, and finally Zhuge Liang’s miraculous skills borrowed the east wind to defeat Cao’s army. This series of chain tricks made me sympathize with Cao Cao. On Huarong Road, Luo Guanzhong arranged for the virtuous and righteous Guan Yu to let Cao Cao go, not only making Guan Yu’s character more distinct, but also ending the Battle of Chibi in a peaceful manner.

Luo Guanzhong not only vividly portrays each character, but also perfectly describes the love and hatred of each character. The works of Hou Wenyong and Cai Kangyong allow the audience to reflect back and forth between history and modern times. Liu Bei’s leadership style of winning people over with virtue ensured the loyalty of the five Tiger generals, which is still applicable in modern society. Liu Bei’s morality is representative of the morals shared by many Chinese people. Guan Yu’s loyalty can also embody Chinese culture very well. It is a Chinese virtue not to beat a drowning dog, but instead to remember kindness. Thanks to The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, not only did I learn history, but also deeply understood the profoundness of Chinese culture.

Ariel Chen 陈敬柔

3rd Year Chinese Language Student at WWU.

Language Learning and the 5 C’s: Why Language Learning Apps Will Never Replace the Classroom | 语言学习和五个C:为什么“语言学习APP”永远无法取代“语言课堂”

“Why are you learning Chinese?”

This is the question I recently posed to my class of middle schoolers. I received a variety of answers including: “So I can talk to my grandparents,” “So I can make friends when I travel to China,” “So I can be a translator when I grow up,” or even, “Because my friends take Chinese and I want to spend time with them.” I was surprised — every answer was so different! As an educator, it’s important to me that each lesson is catered to the interests and needs of the students. With so many answers and perspectives, I thought: “How can I serve their interests if they are all interested in different things?”

Kendall hikes at Mount Huashan in China
Kendall hikes at Mount Huashan in China

I spent a lot of time pondering the class’s responses. After deeper inspection, I realized that there actually was a common theme among each reply: community. This pattern is not unique to my middle school Chinese learners. In the mid 1990’s, as the importance of having multilingual citizens was becoming more and more evident, the US decided to create national standards for what students should know and be able to do in world language. A task force of language education experts created 11 standards which were proven by research to be the most beneficial to students’ comprehension and communicative capabilities in world language. These standards were then compiled into the Standards for Foreign Language Learning: Preparing for the 21st Century. In this text the 11 standards are broken down into five goal areas called the Five Cs: Communication, Comparisons, Connections, Culture, and Community (ACTFL 2023). Four of the five goal areas can be found in classroom textbooks. The only one that is impossible to learn from a textbook is the goal of Community.

My students’ reasons for learning Chinese reflect the research that says being part of a language community motivates learners. Shrum and Glisan note in the Teacher’s Handbook: Contextualized Language Instruction that: “…developing communities among learners in the classroom can complement learners’ work within the larger school community and in communities beyond the school.” (Shrum and Gilsan, p.381) Having a language community to rely on gives students consistent, authentic opportunities to practice their skills. Additionally, a language community can act as a support when experiencing challenges. Just as being part of a community helps students develop and maintain their language skills, lacking a language community is a frequent contributing factor for learners giving up on their language journey. Much to the dismay of a certain infamous green owl, apps and independent study will never be optimal language learning settings because of their inherent lack of community engagement.

So, what does this mean? At the end of the day, grammar and vocabulary can only take you so far. What is so special about Chinese is the exact thing you can’t learn from cramming, and that which cannot be demonstrated on a final exam. As Chinese learners, in addition to learning the language, we are challenged with the unique task of finding our community. As a current Western student, now is your time to build your community: go to the Chinese Communication Club, meet Chinese students at the tutoring center, go on field trips with your classmates to Dragon Well, or the Richmond night market. Do whatever activities inspire you to find and bond with your Chinese language community.



这是我最近向班上的初中生提出的问题。 我收到了各种各样的答案,包括“这样我就能和祖父母聊天了”、“会说中文,我去中国旅行时就能交到朋友了”、“学好中文,我长大后就能成为翻译”,甚至还有”因为我的朋友都学中文,我想和他们一起学习”。 我很惊讶,因为每个答案都是如此不同! 作为一位教育工作者,对我来说,重要的是每堂课都要找到学生的兴趣,同时满足学生的需要。面对这么多的答案和观点,我想,如果他们对不同的东西感兴趣,我该怎样让他们都感兴趣呢?

我花了很多时间来思考这些答案。经过深入观察,我意识到,每种回答其实都围绕一个共同的主题:社区。 对于班里的这些中文学习者们来说,这个主题其实很具有代表性。在20世纪90年代中期,由于拥有多语言公民的重要性越来越明显,美国决定制定出一套国家标准,这样语言学习者在外语方面就能获得相应的信息和指导。一个由语言教育专家组成的特别工作组制定了11项标准,这些标准经过研究证明,有益于学生理解外国语言和提高交际能力。这些标准随后被编入《外语学习的标准: 为21世纪做准备》。 在这篇文章中,这11项标准被分解成五个目标领域,称为 “五个C”: 交流、比较、联系、文化和社区(ACTFL 2023)。 这五个目标领域中的四个都可以在课堂教科书中找到。 唯一无法从教科书中达成的是 “社区 “这一目标。

我的学生学习中文的种种理由,全都反映出了一项研究结果,即成为语言社区的一部分会有效地激励学习者。《教师手册》的作者们指出:”……在课堂上结成学习者之间的社区环境,可以补充学习者在更大的学校社区和学校以外的社区中的经验”。(Shrum and Gilsan, p.381) 有一个可以依赖的语言社区给了学生持续的、真实的机会来练习他们的技能。 此外,当遇到挑战时,一个语言社区可以作为一种支持。正如成为社区的一员有助于学生发展和保持语言技能一样,缺乏语言社区的经验是学习者放弃语言学习的一个常见原因。 令某些线上语言学习软件开发商失望的是,利用应用程序或独自学习永远无法成为最佳的语言学习方法,因为它们本身就缺乏社区的参与感。


按语:李晓雨已经学习中文8年了。 她是西华盛顿大学外国语学院的校友,也是2019年中国语言和文化专业的优秀毕业生,以及2021年“汉语桥”的世界总冠军。 她目前是波特兰州立大学“中学双元制教师项目”的候选教师,并有望在毕业后获得中学特殊教育和中文教学的资格证书,她计划明年在北京大学继续进修中文。

Kendall Kracke

Kendall Kracke has been learning Chinese for 8 years. She is a WWU alumna, the 2019 Outstanding Graduating Senior in Chinese Language and Culture, and the 2021 Chinese Bridge World Champion. She is currently a Teacher Candidate in the Secondary Dual Educator Program at Portland State University and is on track to be licensed to teach Special Education and Chinese Language at the secondary levels upon graduation. She plans to study Chinese Language at Beijing University next year.

Spring 2023 Print Edition is Here! | 2023年春天杂志来了!

Mirror Magazine Print edition with spring flowers
2023年春季版镜杂志 PDF / Mirror Magazine Spring 2023 Edition PDF

Dear Reader,

The inaugural Spring 2023 print edition of 《镜》杂志, or Mirror Magazine is available at the below link in online PDF format:

After many months of hard work from the editing team, Mirror Magazine, Western Washington University’s first ever Chinese-English bilingual publication, was finally officially released May 17, 2023 in print.

Thanks to our 2023 sponsor Confucius Institute of Washington (CIWA), we were able to print about 100 copies of the Spring Edition magazine. Even though this is a groundbreaking first print, the limited number means that due to the low supply and high demand, the print copies that we can share outside of the Chinese program, some college and department figureheads, and some contributors, are very sparse. However, we remain optimistic that in the Fall, with a renewed budget, we can print more copies. To help increase the accessibility of this innovative magazine and to mitigate the issue of few print editions versus community demand, uploaded here is an electronic version of Mirror Magazine for your viewing pleasure. Additionally, web optimized digital versions of selected Spring Edition articles will be released in the coming weeks. 

We are immensely grateful for our sponsor, all the contributors to this first edition, and support from faculty and students in our Chinese program and MCL department. Enjoy the e-version of Mirror Magazine!

The Mirror Editing Team








Editorial Team

2022-2023 Editors: Laura Wagner & Maggie Wettergreen