在国外吃中国菜 / Eating Chinese Food Abroad

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Hello everyone, I’m Wen Yulan (Maggie) and today I’m here with our fellow student Wan Minghua (Kaitlyn) to talk about eating Chinese food abroad.

Eating at a restaurant in Beijing, China

Right, when traveling it’s very interesting to order food at restaurants.

And a little difficult, right?

Not too difficult, just nerve-wracking.

En, I agree. Well, I heard over summer you and our Chinese department classmates went to study abroad in China.

明花: 对啊,我跟九个大一和六个大二的中文学生一起去的。头两天我们先跟吴老师和刘老师看看北京,然后就去青岛。我们有五个星期住在中国海洋大学。
Correct, I went with nine freshmen and six sophomore Chinese students. For the first two days, we visited Beijing with Teacher Wu and Teacher Liu, and then went to Qingdao. We spent 5 weeks at Ocean University of China.

玉兰: 在中国,你吃了什么菜?
In China, what kind of food did you eat?

明花: 我吃了很多不认识的东西,哈哈!在北京吴老师和刘老师带我们去一家高级餐厅点了很多食物。去中国以前,我只知道一点中国菜。我吃了很多不知道名字的菜。但是我发现我喜欢炒白菜木耳,而且在离长城很近的餐馆儿,有我很喜欢冰川茄子。味道甜甜的,好吃极了。
I ate many unfamiliar things, ha! In Beijing Teacher Wu and Teacher Liu brought us to a fancy restaurant and ordered a lot of food. Before going to China I knew little about Chinese food. I ate many dishes I didn’t know the names of. But I discovered I like stir-fried cabbage and wood-ear mushrooms, and also, in a restaurant near the Great Wall they had a glacial eggplant I liked.

玉兰: 听起来真好吃。还有呢?
Sounds really tasty. Anything else?

明花: 啊对了,在海洋大学的附近我们常常到小烧烤馆儿或者火锅馆儿吃晚饭。
Oh, right, near Ocean University we would often go to small barbeque or hot pot restaurants to eat dinner.

How was it? Did it suit your taste?

明花: 菜都太好吃了!但是很多东西是辣辣的。
The dishes were all so delicious! But many things were very spicy.

玉兰: 是吗?你没点比较清淡的吗?
Is that so? You didn’t order something lighter?

明花: 在烧烤馆儿和火锅馆儿服务员常常问我 “你要辣的吗”?每次我都会说 “要,好听啊”。虽然这些菜辣得受不了,但是一直点,因为太好吃的。
At barbecue restaurants and hot pot restaurants, the waiters would often ask me, “Do you want it spicy?” Every time I say “yes, it sounds good”. Although these dishes are unbearably spicy, I keep ordering them because they are so delicious.

So, if you could only choose one dish to order for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

明花: 冰川茄子吧!要是我只吃冰川茄子,我的生命会短得很,可是我不在乎我反而会很高兴。
Glacial Eggplant! If I only eat glacial eggplant, my life will be very short, but I don’t care, I will be very happy instead.

ok, ok.

You also went abroad over summer, right?


Where did you go?

I went to Japan

Ah, I heard that Japanese cuisine is very light [in flavor]. Is that true?

Yes, I think it’s relatively light. They eat a lot of fish and don’t use too much salt. The dishes are also not spicy.

Did you like it? I thought you loved spicy food.

Exactly. My taste is usually very strong. But I’m not picky. I especially love to eat fresh fish, so I feel Japanese food also suits me.

Eating Chinese food in Chinatown in Yokohama, Japan

Then in Japan did you eat a lot of sushi?

Too much! In one meal I ate 30 pieces of sushi by myself.

No way!

玉兰:  是真的!我可以给你看照片!
It’s true! I can show you pictures.

Haha, I believe you. Then, in how was ordering in Japanese restaurants? Do you speak Japanese?

玉兰:  我不会说,就在菜单上指出你想要的,没问题。可是为了练习中文,在横滨的中国城,我也去了一家餐馆儿。
No, I don’t speak it. You just point out what you want on the menu, it’s no problem. But I also went to a restaurant in Yokohama’s Chinatown to practice Chinese.

Interesting, did you chat with the waiter?

玉兰:  一点点。我一边说, “我们想点这个,这个,还有这个” 一边指着菜单。后来我问她 “这些菜太多吗?” 还有她说 “不太多。” 买单以后我说,“谢谢您,真好吃的!”
A little. I said “We would like to order this, and this and this” while pointing at the menu. Later, I asked her, “Are these dishes too much?” and she said “not too much”. After paying the bill I said “Thank you, it was very delicious!”

Using Chinese outside of school, you must be very happy.

玉兰: 对啊,非常高兴。
Yes, very happy.

Okay, do we have anything else we want to share with everyone?

玉兰: 没有。就这样。我们下次见!
No, just this. We’ll see you next time!


Kaitlyn Bahn & Maggie Wettergreen

Kaitlyn Bahn and Maggie Wettergreen are students in the second year of the Chinese program at WWU. Kaitlyn participated in WWU’s 2023 summer study-abroad program at Ocean University in Qingdao, Shandong Province, China.

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