The second annual Spring Issue of Mirror is now available online! This edition highlights the art of calligraphy, with two special features from authors outside of Western. You can read this issue at the link below:
Thank you to all of our readers and contributors. We are also immensely grateful for our sponsor, the Confucius Institute of Washington, and support from faculty and students in Western’s Chinese program and MCL department.
Wishing everyone a wonderful summer,
Mirror’s Editorial Team
Editorial Team
2023-2024 Student Editors: Maven Neumiller & Maggie Wettergreen Faculty Editor in Chief: Claudia Liu
同學們、教授們、各位聽眾朋友,大家好!歡迎收聽這個小播客的最後一集。 Fellow students, professors, and dear listeners, hello everyone! Welcome to the final episode of this small podcast.
今年我很高興有這個機會認識了很多同學,聊天,並錄製播客。 This year, I am very happy to have had the opportunity to meet many classmates, chat, and record podcasts.
這個最後一集和別的不太一樣。這一次只是我跟您說話,所以,請讓我再介紹一下我自己。 This last episode is a little different from the others. This time, it’s just me talking to you, so please allow me to introduce myself once more.
我是文玉蘭,目前是一名自由職業者,擔任網站開發人員和顧問。 I am Wen Yulan, and I am currently a freelancer working as a web developer and consultant.
拿到學士學位後,我先在兩家公司工作,然後成為一名自由職業者,之後重返大學學習中文。 After obtaining my bachelor’s degree, I first worked at two companies before becoming a freelancer, and later I returned to university to study Chinese.
最近,和同學的討論讓我想起,許多年輕的大學同學沒有任何理財經驗。 Recently, discussions with my classmates reminded me that many young university students have no financial experience.
因此,作為一名在這些方面有一定經驗的老學生,我想分享一下我的經驗和建議,希望對您有用。 Therefore, as an older student with some experience in these areas, I want to share my experiences and advice, hoping it will be helpful to you.
因為這些都只是我的意見,所以在做任何投資之前,必須做好研究。 Since these are just my opinions, you must do thorough research before making any investments.
課程裡我們學過一些常見的理財方式,比如把錢存在銀行裡,投資股票,買房子,等等。 In the course, we learned about some common financial management methods, such as depositing money in the bank, investing in stocks, buying a house, and so on.
但並不是每種方法都適合學生。以普通大學生為例,他們買房合理嗎? However, not every method is suitable for students. For example, is it reasonable for a typical university student to buy a house?
對學生來說,開始理財最簡單、最合理的方法就是在銀行開立儲蓄帳戶。但並不是每個賬戶都是一樣的。 For students, the simplest and most reasonable way to start managing finances is to open a savings account at a bank. But not all accounts are the same.
如果銀行的利息太低,那麼仍然可能因為通貨膨脹而賠錢。 If the bank’s interest rate is too low, it may still result in a loss due to inflation.
這一點我早就知道,但我去年才剛剛開設了一個高息賬戶。我真的後悔沒早點開設。 I knew this early on, but it was only last year that I finally opened a high-interest account. I really regret not opening it sooner.
我的會計好朋友告訴我,“生活節儉很好,但也得聰明地投資。” My good accountant friend told me, “Living frugally is good, but you also need to invest wisely.”
除了開高息帳戶以外,他還建議購買存款證,因為利息可能高一點。 Besides opening a high-interest account, he also suggested buying certificates of deposit, as the interest rates might be higher.
在股市上,他說相比炒股,投資共同基金風險較低。 Regarding the stock market, he said that compared to trading stocks, investing in mutual funds carries lower risk.
最後,我想提一下債務和信用卡。很多人都害怕信用卡債務,我也是。 Finally, I want to mention debt and credit cards. Many people are afraid of credit card debt, and I am too.
但擁有和使用信用卡可以幫助你建立良好的信用評分。當你將來想要買房或者買車的時候,這一點很重要。 But having and using credit cards can help you build a good credit score. This is important when you want to buy a house or a car in the future.
另外,使用信用卡不但可以保護銀行訊息,而且有的卡還有獎勵。 Additionally, using credit cards can protect your bank information, and some cards even offer rewards.
所以我建議您把信用卡當作借記卡使用,永遠不要花你沒有的錢,每月完全付清賬單。這樣做就好了。 So, I suggest you use your credit card like a debit card, never spending money you don’t have, and always paying off the balance in full every month. Do this and everything will be good.
因為時間關係,我的播客到此結束。感謝大家的聆聽和支持,祝大家學業進步、理財順利、身體健康!謝謝。 In the interest of time, my podcast ends here. Thank you all for listening and supporting me. I wish you success in your studies, good luck with your financial management, and good health! Thank you.
Maggie Wettergreen
Maggie Wettergreen is a student in the second year of the Chinese program at WWU. This podcast was written as part of a class assignment.