男女平等的问题/ Gender Equality Issues

Podcast Audio:

Audio Transcription:

Hi Everyone, and welcome to our little podcast! I’m Wen Yulan [Maggie]. Today we have two special guests. Welcome Mr. Guo [played by 国静 Anna ] and Mrs. Guo [played by 民育苹 Wuyi].

国太太: 谢谢你请我们来。认识你我们很高兴。
Thank you for inviting us. It’s nice to meet you.

国先生: 嗯。

国太太: 哎呀,老公你也来说几句。
Hey, husband, you should say something too.

国先生: 你好,很高兴认识你。
Hello, nice to meet you.

玉兰: 您俩结婚多久了?
How long  have you two been married?

国太太: 今年已经二十五年了。
This year will be 25 years.

玉兰: 哇,好长时间。您们都做什么工作?
Wow, a long time. What do you both do for work?

国先生: 我是工厂里的工人,一辈子都在工作。
I am a factory worker, I’ve been working my whole life.

国太太: 而我现在是医生。
And now I am a doctor.

玉兰: 那么,在您们家里,男女平等吗?
Then, in your household,  are men and women equal?

国先生: 差不多,但是大部分家务都是我做的。
Pretty much, but I do the larger part of the household chores.

国太太: 是的,好几年来都是我在照顾孩子。孩子毕业以后我想轻松轻松。
Yes, for many years I was taking care of children. After the kids graduate I want to relax.

国先生: 你轻松轻松,而所有的劳动都是我来做的。
You relax, and I do all the labor.

玉兰: 是吗?有的人说女人应该在家里做所有的家务,照顾孩子,而男人应该出去挣钱。您觉得呢?
Is that so? Some people say that women should do all of the housework at home, take care of the kids, and men should go out and earn money. What do you think?

国先生: 有道理, 因为在古老的年代男人出门去打猎,所以现在挣钱的大多是男人。
It makes sense, because in ancient times men went out to hunt, so now mostly men earn money.

国太太: 但是现在不是古老的年代。你看现代女人可能成为医生。
But now is not ancient times. Look, in the modern era women can become doctors.

国先生: 当医生是当医生,但是男人比女人强壮多了!你连我一半的工作都做不了。
Working as a doctor is well and good, but men are much stronger than women! You couldn’t even do half of my job.

国太太: 什么意思?我看起来你每天都只看电视,跟朋友去公园打太极拳,晚上你就喝酒醉了。谁是一个医生?谁是养我们的孩子?
What’s that supposed to mean? I see you every day just watching TV, going to the park to do Tai Chi with your friends, in the evening getting drunk. Who is the doctor? Who raised our kid?

国先生: 那些活动都很重要!你怎么都不懂?
Those are all important activities! Why can’t  you understand?

玉兰: 好好好,国太太,别生气啊,很多男人都有这样的想法。
Ok, ok, ok, Mrs. Guo, don’t be angry, lots of men have this same way of thinking.

国太太: 常见不等于是对的。现在社会不再重男轻女。
Commonplace doesn’t mean it’s correct. Nowadays society does not favor boys over girls.

玉兰: 您说得对。国先生,改革开放以来,越来越多的女人选择去工作。这不是一件好事吗?
You’re right. Mr. Guo, since the reform and opening up, more and more women have chosen to work. Isn’t this a good thing?
(t/n: “Reform and opening up” refers to the period of Chinese economic reform in the late 1970s and early 1980s where more access to foreign trade and travel became available.)

国先生: 一直以来都是这样,但我知道我的国家缺少老师,所以…我并不讨厌。
It’s always been like this, but I know there’s a shortage of teachers in my country, so… I don’t hate it.

国太太: 哇,你太落伍了。
Wow, you are so out of date.

玉兰: 那么,您们有孩子吗?是男孩还是女孩?
Then, do you have children? Boys or girls?

国先生: 我们有一个儿子,我们为他感到骄傲。他刚开了一家店,他是个模范男人。
We have one son, and we are very proud of him. He just opened a shop, and he’s a model man.

玉兰: 哦,很厉害!是一位业主, 真酷。
Wow, that’s awesome! He’s a business owner [proprietor], that’s really cool.

国太太: 对啊,他是最好的花商。他和他的妻子一起经营这家店。
Yeah, he is the best florist. He and his wife run the shop together.

国先生: 他们互相合作。他负责设计广告,而妻子负责买卖花卉。
They mutually support each other: he designs the advertisements and his wife buys and sells the flowers.

国太太: 哦?听起来你说我们的儿媳妇做所有的重活。
Oh? It sounds like you’re saying our daughter-in-law does all the heavy lifting.

玉兰: 听起来他们相处得很幸福。我觉得时间差不多到了。谢谢您们来给我们这个机会认识您们的家庭。
It sounds like they get along very happily. I think time is about up. Thank you for coming and giving us this chance to get to know your family.

国太太: 别太客气了!
Don’t be so polite!
(t/n: a common response to “thank you”, similar to “you’re welcome” or “no thanks necessary”)

玉兰: 那么,最后,我们总是对听众朋友说 “下次在见”. 可以吗?
Then, lastly, we always give our listeners a “see you next time”. Can we?

国先生: 好的。

都: 下次在见!
See you next time!

Anna Holmes, Wuyi Walters, & Maggie Wettergreen

Anna Holmes, Wuyi Walters, and Maggie Wettergreen are students in the second year of the Chinese program at WWU. This podcast mock-interview was written as part of a class assignment.