选择最好的专业 / Choosing The Best Major

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Hello everyone! I’m Wen Yulan [Maggie], here with our classmate Ren Lixing [Dalraj]. Today we have a different activity: we are going to debate a little.

立行: 对, 是的.

Then, what are we going to debate about?

立行: 今天我们一起辩论的题目是:大学生应该学哪个专业?
Our debate topic today is: What major should college students study?

That’s interesting, maybe some of our classmates will find it helpful.

立行: 你也许是对的。
You may be right.

Ok, this is the debate topic: The purpose of attending college is to prepare you to find a career in the future, therefore studying in Science and Engineering or Management colleges are the best choices. Which side do you want to argue?

立行: 我的专业是会计, 而且我的父母从印度来的。 他们觉得工程和管理都很厉害。 所以我就会辩论赞成方。
My major is accounting, and also my parents are from India. They think that engineering and management are both great. So I’ll argue for.

Makes sense. Since I will apply to the graduate school creative writing program, I must argue against.

立行: 好。准备开始吧?
Ok, ready to get started?

Ready. You can speak first.

立行: 我们都知道工程和管理工作最挣钱。如果你学人文学科, 那将来就少挣钱。有更多钱,我就能过更舒服的生活。
We all know that engineering and management jobs make the most money. If you study humanities, in the future you will make less. Having more money, I can experience a more comfortable life.

I don’t think that’s necessarily true. The amount of time spent working for the same amount of money might not be the same. 

立行: 你说的是什么意思?
What do you mean?

Jobs in science and engineering and business management require long work hours, often working overtime, or require working with colleagues. In contrast to these jobs, some jobs in the humanities have more flexible schedules. Having money but no freedom, how can you feel comfortable?

立行: 将来, 我觉得我在我的法拉利上坐着很舒服. 如果我挣更多钱, 我有更多自由,也可以去轻松度假。
In the future, I think I’ll feel pretty comfortable sitting in my Ferrari. If I make more money, I’ll have more freedom and can go on relaxing vacations.

But if you really enjoy your job and it doesn’t give you much trouble, would you still need to go on vacation? In my opinion, having a career that you can always enjoy is the most important thing. In this way, you can slowly earn money throughout your life without giving up happiness. 

立行: 但是你需要找到一份你喜欢的工作,人文学科的工作比STEM的工作更难找到。
But you need to find a job you like, humanities jobs are harder to find than STEM jobs.

Skills learned in the humanities are broad, so finding a job is not as hard as people think. For example, we’re in the library right now, and librarians are a humanities career.

立行: 是的。但是图书馆是工程师做的, 不是图书管理员做的。
True, but libraries are built by engineers, not librarians.

But this college was originally a normal school [teacher’s college], and education is also a humanities career. Without teachers, librarians, and writers, there wouldn’t be engineers to build the library.

立行: 行,行,除了图书馆,其他基础设施像路桥、网路、技术,什么的,都是工程师建造的。
Ok, ok, besides libraries, other infrastructure like roads, bridges, networks, technology, etc. are all built by engineers.

It takes many people to build these things, not just engineers.

立行: 最终,工程师还是挣更多的钱。
But in the end, engineers still earn more money.

Maggie: 哎呀,你真麻烦。
Jeeze, you’re really troublesome.

立行: 对不起,我知道。 我们都知道每个人都有各自的意见。
Sorry, I know. We all know everyone has their own opinion.

Right, although science and engineering careers can make a lot of money, if you can’t stand it then it’s no use.

立行: 比如说, 我的朋友的第一份工作是会计但是他受不了。 后来他换了工作去当DJ,现在他很高兴。
For example, my friend’s first career was accounting, but he couldn’t stand it. Later he changed careers to DJ-ing, and now he’s very happy.

Exactly. Ok, well thank you for debating with me today, this activity has turned out to be really interesting and fun.

立行: 你也是。 祝你创意写作越来越成功!
You too. I wish you more and more success in creative writing.

玉兰:也祝你会计事业顺利发展! 我们给大家一个”再见“吧。
I also wish you smooth development in your accounting career! Let’s give everyone a “goodbye”.


Dalraj Romana & Maggie Wettergreen

Dalraj Romana and Maggie Wettergreen are students in the second year of the Chinese program at WWU. This debate dialog was written as part of a class assignment.